Hello all, I have a strange problem with Bastille which I'm hoping someone can help with. I'm running lm8 as a logon server for my windows boxes, and have a dial-up connection shared with Internet connection sharing. I am also running DHCP. Everything seems to work ok, but when I set up InteractiveBastille and turned off Internet connection sharing, DHCP no longer works. If I turn it on and restart Bastille through a shell, everthing works, but I get an error "you have Bastille configured for Masquerading and you have enabled Mandrakes Internet connection sharing " Can anyone give any suggestions? (apart from using fixed ip's) ================================================================ Colin Jenkins ICQ: 650611 registered linux user 223862 Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. (Anything said in Latin sounds profound.) ================================================================
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