I have just installed Mandrake 8 on a server. This server basically just
shares an internet connection. I used Mandrakes Internet Sharing program to
set this up. Now im trying to set up SAMBA. Mandrake 8 automatically sets
this up for you. But you still have to do some fiddling around to configure
for your certain use. Well i can see the linux box on Network Neighborhod,
but when i try to access it up comes a password box for a connection to IPC,
well i typed in the root password and its says wrong password. Well then i
said i will try SWAT which configures samba. When i try to use swat from any
other machine besides the server it self i get an error message of
Network Connection Error
Connection reset by peer.

But if i use swat from linux box itself it works fine.
Im using xinetd instead of inetd. The /etc/services file is set up correclty.
I think this might be a firewall problem, not a swat or samba problem? Here
is an entry from my /var/log/auth.log

Sep 11 18:50:09 localhost xinetd[19828]: FAIL: swat libwrap from=

Here is my hosts.allow and deny entryies
swat:LOCAL,194.7.51., 10.1.1.


Are those set up correclty, also my /etc/hosts has an entry for
localhost.localdomain 127.0....
Also my /etc/xinetd.d/samba file looks like this
service swat
        port    = 901
        socket_type     = stream
        wait    = no
        only_from =
        user    = root
        # server        = /usr/sbin/swat
        server = /usr/sbin/tcpd
        server_args  = /usr/sbin/swat
        log_on_failure  += USERID
        disable = no

If this is a firewall problem, how do i fix it.  This was all set up by the
Mandrake 8 Inernet Sharing Program and im somewhat unfamiliar with the
firewall and its configuration files.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  Ira Bargon

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