Yeah I know that's there, but you can't turn it off (even though it
says you can?) or remove it from there. You can only setup the basic
options. I need to allow certain "non-standard" ports access and you
can't do it from there either so I decided to get another firewall
which will allow me to do it and I don't want 2 firewalls. but thanx

Robert MacLean

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] TinyFirewall Documentation

> TinyFirewall Documentation = Knome size
> Had to, I am a newbie but believe I can help. Looking over
> at the other monitor I see a button which is labeled Mandrake
> Control Center.  Click on button, type in root password,
> fourth
> icon down is a large padlock, reads Security next to it.
> Click
> open.  Second icon down reads firewalling.  Should be able to
> click on it and reconfigure.  I can't mine is on fire as it is
> not configured.  Hope this helps.
> Robert MacLean wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > I've searched the net and the mandrake site and I can find no
> > information/documentation on TinyFirewall.
> > What I want to do is turn it off so I can load another firewall,
> > there appears to be no documentation of this. Please help. Thanx
> > ________________________________________
> > Robert MacLean
> >
> >   --------------------------------------------------------------
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