Sounds like you don't have your $PATH defined. Type this command, as the
user, and let us know what you get.

/bin/echo $PATH

As the user, you should get something like this in return:

[timh@r2d2 timh]$ /bin/echo $PATH

The fact that you actually can log in and get a prompt, that means that user
does have a shell, but since it can't find where the commands are, that's
what makes me think that the PATH is not defined.

To define the $PATH, add this line to your $HOME/.bash_profile.


And then add the word PATH to the end of the line that reads export.  So it
will then look like this most likely:

export BASH_ENV=$HOME/.bashrc PATH

If you have more things there, that's fine, but make sure you add the PATH
there, and the PATH line in your ~/.bash_profile.  That should then fix that
command not found problem.

As far as the admin rights...  There are things that will allow you to do
that, but personally, as a Systems Admin, I would say stay away from them.
It's much better and much more secure to just use the already existing
super-user account.  If you need to do something, login as root, then logout
when you're done.

I would really like it if Mandrake would actually do what FreeBSD does.
Where only users in the wheel group can su - root and then gain root access.
But I'm not sure if that's every been considered or even suggested.  But
that's just me.

Hope that helps you, if not, let us know.

T. Holmes
UIN:  17021091
"Real Men Use Vi!"

10:22AM  up 7 days, 21:23, 3 users, load averages: 0.04, 0.01, 0.00
| Hi,
|       I successfully solved the partition problem by creating a partition first,
| then delete and reallocate it during the install.
|       However, when I went into console using the ALT + CTRL + F1, login, but
| when i type any command, even ls, they say command not found, but under
| root, i can use those command, Please assist.
|       I also help in this... Windows 2k allows user to be assigned administrator
| rights, does linux allows that? How do I go about doing it?
| Thanks,
| Regards,
| Loke Kit Kai
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