Dude, chill. It's all a joke. I've read Slashdot posts by the same guy and it is
obvious that he knows what he is talking about.

Great response, though :)

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001 05:03:42 +0800, "Franki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> lol, I titled this:  "This guy is on Drugs or Works for Microsoft"
> here is what I posted, anyone correct me if anything I said was incorrect.
> ============================================================================
> =====
> Hi,
> First of all, the guys name was Linus not linux.
> Second: M$ Office, Outlook and IE are Microsoft software, THEY choose not to
> supply them for linux because they want people to use windows not linux.
> Third: There is more then one linux app that will open and save in M$ office
> file formats, anyone with half a brain can work out how to use them as its
> pretty much a standard menu system. Try Star Office and Openoffice.
> Forth:, Mozilla is almost word for word standards compliant, IE is not.
> (although ie6 is close) so you lied.
> Fifth: You don't need a Pentium with 32MB ram to run linux, you can do it on
> a 386 with 8MB of ram. and boot it from a floppy (Trinix and others)you just
> need 32mb and a pentium to run Mandrake linux, since they rightly assume
> that people would rather have an OS that is optimised for the system they
> have, rather then one that is optimised for old hardware, you want to run
> linux on a 486, get Peanut or possibly Redhat. Also, try loading win2000 or
> XP on your 486. the versions of linux that were out when 95 came out, ran on
> 486's just fine, and the fact that some current versions can still run on it
> says alot, none of M$ recent versions will run on a 486 at all.
> Sixth: RedHat, Caldera and others are not past names for linux distro's they
> are Current other distro's. People chose the one they want. which had you
> read up on, you wouldn't have tried to use Mandrake on a 486.
> Seventh: Linux doesn't have virus software? thats probably because its
> nearly impossible to infect a properly linux box with a virus because of
> users,, you need root or admin access to do that. Windows XP home, like
> win98,98,98SE and ME make everyone root, so they are affected by virus's
> Also there are alot of linux virus scanners, like Trend Filescan, the thing
> is that they all search for windows virus's because there are none on linux
> that are a threat to anyone.
> Eighth: Linux doesn't need firewalls like Zone Alarm because the abiltiy is
> built into the OS, read ipchains and iptables, and Mandrake 8.1 has two
> firewalls built into it. InteractiveBastille does far more then most just by
> asking you a bunch of questions from a nice GUI interface.
> Ninth: Software, Mandrake linux has server software that it would cost over
> 2000AUD to achieve with Microsoft(tm) software, and you wouldn't have been
> effected by Code Red or Nimda if you weren't running M$ software. it also
> comes standard with 2 or more versions of spreadsheets, word processors
> presentation software, finance stuff, advanced text editors, time management
> software email clients, graphing software, image editing software and more,
> and it all comes WITH Mandrake, you don't have to buy it seperatly.
> Tenth: Games, what to play Quake3 on linux? go ahead, you can buy it for
> linux, ditto with many other titles. and with WINE, you can run a great many
> actual windows titles as well.
> Please, if you are going to review a product at least get someone who knows
> what they are doing to review it objectively, you don't know because you
> only know the microsoft way and have a closed mind to anything else.
> Remember windows has been around in a semi decent form since 1992 or so,,
> Unix, which is linux's parent has been around since the 60's... you just
> didn't know about it.
> That is not the fault of linux.
> I use both linux and windows, I started with an open mind and I am tipping
> more and more towards linux because it does everything I want, and I can
> have the same machine running without a reboot for months just fine (I have
> seen cases where it has run without reboot for well over a year.). and it
> didn't cost me 500 bucks to buy.
> Be objective when you review something, just because its not what you are
> used to, doesn't mean that its not better, (or conversely that its worse.)
> Rgds
> Frank
> Perth Australia.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

"Anyone who says you can have a lot of widely dispersed people hack away on a
complicated piece of code and avoid total anarchy has never managed a software
project." -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 1992, writing to Linus Torvalds.

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