On Thursday 01 November 2001 07:21, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> civileme wrote:
> > I knew that extra phone listing might be handy someday.  Fussing with a
> > download that wouldn't md5sum and needing it very badly, I was only too
> > happy for the break when the phone rang and I picked it up, saying
> > "Mandrakesoft".
> >
> > "Errr, I have a REAL problem. "
> >
> > "Is it with one of our systems?"
> >
> > "No," he replied, "but I'll buy the most expensive boxed set if your
> > system can help me."
> >
> > In the course of a few minutes I learned that this fellow hadf a Dell
> > Dimension P-II 400 with STB Velocity card and Turtle Beach Montego II
> > Sound card, and he had been running Win98 successfully.  He had a
> > Microsoft-badged optical mouse and Microsoft-badged USB keyboard.
> >
> > When WinXP came out, his father was the first person in line at CompUSA
> > to buy it at 12:01 am October 25th.
> >
> > So he installed the update.
> >
> > Keyboard and mouse promptly stopped working.
> >
> > His plan was to install linux, copy his vital data over to it, then
> > format the winpartition and reinstall XP cleanly as Microsoft Support
> > (Two hours on hold long distance to Redmond ) assured him if he did that
> > that his keyboard and mouse would work.
> >
> > I told him where to pick up the download edition of 8.1 and he took them.
> >  An hour later I had a call, "It won't resize Windows small enough."
> >
> > By now it was 7 pm.  I went to his computer and brough along a spare 10G
> > disk.  I added it temporarily on the spare connector and let him install
> > ML 8.1 to the second disk, making sure he chose GRUB to boot with.
> >
> > Everything worked, and his cable modem connected out of the box--only the
> > advisory popped up to visit sourceforge about the sound card. 
> > Transferring his 2.2G of files was a snap, then diskdrake was called to
> > clean up the messy hda, partitioning 3/4 of it for windows and leaving
> > the rest for his "rescue system".
> >
> > WinXP balked and insisted on seeing the win98 CD, then it installed,
> > taking out the boot record entry for linux (but we had a boot disk).  The
> > mouse and keyboard worked fine until the final reboot then communication
> > ceased.
> >
> > Now out with the win98 disk but it refuses to install over XP.  Back to
> > Linux and diskdrake from a terminal su'ed too root to wipe clean again.
> >
> > Win98 now loads after an old installer trick of copying the win98
> > directory to the hard drive and installing from there.
> >
> > And linux restores the 2.2 G of files it had saved.  Now the extra Hdd is
> > removed and win98 is running using mouse and keyboard.
> >
> > Back to CompUSA goes the XP even though one mouse worked long enough to
> > send Redmond the info for the activation Code.  Into CompUSA is placed an
> > Order for ProSuite.  He already has the Aureal drivers from sourceforge.
> >
> > I know sometimes our system has trouble with a wheelmouse, and a lot of
> > trouble if someone sets the wrong mouse type (3-button emulation kills
> > wheelmice), but this is something I don't think we have ever done. 
> > Certified Hardware not running on a new system is a serious flaw, and
> > even a billion dollar advertising campaiggn and midnight starting sales
> > will not correct that sort of flaw.
> >
> > Civileme
> Civileme:
> Exactly which support option covers house calls?
> -- Carroll
Well, you buy the new ProSuite coming out soon--the one with a long support 

Then you move to Anchorage, Alaska...


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