
This is part of the e-mail that cron sends on completion of the 'logcheck'
entry in /etc/cron.daily .  Basically these are items to let you know that
something changed since the last time it ran.  It is not a good idea to
disable it, and in fact is a good idea to check on the items it is
'warning' about.  If you have more specific questions, don't hesitate to
send an e-mail to the list.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:32 PM 11/20/2001 -0500, Chris Ashmore wrote:
> Sorry this is so long   but what does this mean? I am very very new to this.
>Security Warning: Change in World Writeable Files found : 
>               - Added writables files : /home/samba 
>               - Added writables files : /tmp/.ICE-unix/9451 
>               - Added writables files : /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 
>Security Warning: There is modifications for port listening on your
machine : 
>               -  Opened ports : tcp        0      0 *:netbios-ssn           *:*
>          LISTEN      13541/smbd 
>               -  Opened ports : tcp        0      0 *:6000                  *:*
>          LISTEN      9363/X 
>               -  Opened ports : udp        0      0 Linux:netbios-ns        *:*
>                      13551/nmbd 
>               -  Opened ports : udp        0      0 *:netbios-ns            *:*
>                      13551/nmbd 
>               -  Opened ports : udp        0      0 Linux:netbios-dgm       *:*
>                      13551/nmbd 
>               -  Opened ports : udp        0      0 *:netbios-dgm           *:*
>                      13551/nmbd 
>               -  Opened ports : udp        0      0 localhost.localdo:32818 *:*
>                      13611/smbd 
>               - Closed ports  : tcp        0      0 *:netbios-ssn           *:*
>          LISTEN      1579/smbd 
>               - Closed ports  : udp        0      0 Linux:netbios-ns        *:*
>                      1589/nmbd 
>               - Closed ports  : udp        0      0 *:netbios-ns            *:*
>                      1589/nmbd 
>               - Closed ports  : udp        0      0 Linux:netbios-dgm       *:*
>                      1589/nmbd 
>               - Closed ports  : udp        0      0 *:netbios-dgm           *:*
>                      1589/nmbd 
>Security Warning: World Writeable files found : 
>               - /home/ftp/upload 
>               - /home/samba 
>               - /home/windows 
>               - /lib/dev-state/dri 
>               - /lib/dev-state/dri/card0 
>               - /lib/dev-state/log 
>               - /tmp 
>               - /tmp/.ICE-unix 
>               - /tmp/.ICE-unix/9451 
>               - /tmp/.X11-unix 
>               - /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 
>               - /tmp/.font-unix 
>               - /tmp/.font-unix/fs-1 
>               - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/blues 
>               - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/classical 
>               - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/country 
>               - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/data 
>               - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/folk 
>               - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/jazz 
>               - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/misc 
>               - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/newage 
>               - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/reggae 
>               - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/rock 
>               - /usr/share/apps/kscd/cddb/soundtrack 
>               - /var/apache-mm 
>               - /var/lib/texmf 
>               - /var/lib/texmf/ls-R 
>               - /var/spool/samba 
>               - /var/tmp 
>Security Warning: these home directory should not be owned by someone else
>user=squid(23): home directory is owned by nobody(99). 
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