i was just wondering if anyone could help me with this problem. i been using mandrake for a few years now, without a probem. (started w/ 7.1 , now just got 8.1)
i never had problems dual booting with win98 or win 2K. but now i'm havin a big problem. the laptop i'm trying to put it on is a Toshiba Satellite, 5005-s504. it has a PIII 1.1Ghz, 30GB, 512 SDRAM. the probelm i have is that when i first boot off the CD to install MDK, it loads up fine. but when it gets to the first selection screen (the language screen) the mouse don't work.. it is a synaptics USB touchpad. (why they put USB i don't know. my old one was PS2, worked fine.) this problem i can get around by using the keyboard, but when it goes to detect the hardware, it freezes.. i tried it a bunch of times, and even off a PCMCIA CD drive. i really don't know why it does this. i also don't know how to get into the BIOS on the laptop, tried all the usaul buttons, nothin seems to work... why oh why couldn't they have just stuck w/ 2K??? i really hate XP.
thanks in advance for any help,


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