if you are getting harddrives with your donations you are in good, i had to 
set up my machines to use a server and run as thin clients.  tougher to do 
but not impossible.

you might also look at 

On Tuesday 05 February 2002 20:11, you spoke unto me thusly:

> Here is the story / question. There is a small intercity private school
> that has NO money at all. So they get these computers donated to them
> P2's with some RAM and 10 Gig HDD's, monitors all that. Minus the OS.
> They dont have enough money to by windoze lisence for all of them. What
> will it take to buld a Lunix Network, with centralize administration,
> "home" folders on a "server". I have a local ISP donating the internet
> connection, and I am setting up email for the teachers and turning on
> squid w/ squid guard so the kids cant go to xxx.com. Most of the "Network
> hardware" is being donated wire, hubs that sort of stuff. I am donating a
> lot of time to this project mostly because I want this to work. I have
> heard of remote Xterm (simuliar to Citrix), and a few others. I was just
> wondering if there was a  good solution to this? Any ideas would be
> helpful.

I'm not in favor of senseless Micro$oft bashing. I'm in favor of bashing 
Micro$oft senseless.

registered linux user @ http://counter.li.org/
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Link different.
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