On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 14:44:36 -0500
Jeffrey Madore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In the system log there is a line that reads "IDE assuming 33 Mhz..."  My cpu 
> is a celeron @ 700Mhz and I believe the buss speed is 66Mhz. My hard drive is 
> new WD 40G (UDMA100?) Is the 33Mhz setting slowing me down? If so, and if I 
> should make a change, how should I go about doing it? Please keep in mind 
> that I'm extreemly new to linux and terminal entry.

This question comes up every so often.

The 33mhz listing you see is related to your FSB and your PCI devices.
33 is the normal and Only setting for all new/newer MOBOs.

Older system using only either/or 66mhz FSB could/were jumpered to a bus
speed showing of 66mhz, which if you use your math, is still in actuallity 33mhz.


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