> Hi!!!
> I'm new in this S.O. I can say I use it in my work.
> Sometimes, when I'm doing my normal things, the mouse
> get a problem, i don't know what is it, it looks to be
> in other situation, i mean, when i try to click in one
> place, it does but 2cm left from i did. i can't know
> when it happens.
> if someone knows what is what i mean, and know the
> answer plear, i appresiate your help. If i have to be
> clearer please tell me, i don't know to speak english
> very well, i can speak spanish....
> Soy nuevo en usar el S.O. trabajo con él, pero tengo un
> pequeño problema, cuanto intento hacer clic en alguna
> parte, lo hace pero corrido como 2 cm a la izquierda,
> no se que pueda ser, he intentado hasta cambiar el
> controlador del mouse por otro pero no funciona, esto
> no ocurre siempre y no he dado para identificar cuando
> ocurre.
> Agradezco su ayuda.!!!!

Well, this problem comes up frequently, almost a FAQ.
As I happen to have a copy of one of my answers, I'll just quote it
below :

> Good news ! - I remember some people here on the list (or was it the
> "expert"-one ?) having big-time trouble with their Trident chipsets. It
> almost drove me nuts as well ! - The problem manifested itself only
> occasionally : the mouse-pointer got an offset, and couldn't be moved to
> the left rim of the screen, but stopped dead about 30 pixels from it.
> Furthermore, when clicking something, I had to point the cursor about
> those 30 pixels to the RIGHT of focus. Only cure was to reboot - and
> that's not something we linuxers like ;-)
> Well, I looked around on the net and found the answer to all my troubles
> on the S.u.S.E. - mailing list :
> http://sdb.suse.de/sdb/en/html/wessels_trident_mouse.html
> The solution is surprisingly simple : pass the option "sw_cursor" to
> /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 
> In my case, only thing I had to do was to uncomment the line Option
> "sw_cursor" by removing the #-mark.
> This being a "newbie"-list, I'll show how "I did it my way" :
> 1. Open a console-window
> 2. type : su
> 3. enter your root-password
> 4. open "Midnight Commander" by issuing the command : mc
> 5. highlight the file /etc/X11/XF86Config and press <F4> to edit it
> 6. search for the entry below ( or something very similar ) :
> # **********************************************************************
> # Graphics device section
> # **********************************************************************
> Section "Device"
>     Identifier "Generic VGA"
>     Chipset   "generic"
> EndSection
> Section "Device"
>     Identifier  "Trident CyberBlade (generic)"
>     VendorName  "Unknown"
>     BoardName   "Unknown"
> #   Chipset     "CyberBlade"
> #   VideoRam    4096
> #   Clock lines
>     # Uncomment following option if you see a big white block
>     # instead of the cursor!
>       Option      "sw_cursor"
>       Option      "power_saver"
> EndSection
> # **********************************************************************
> # Screen sections
> # **********************************************************************
> 7. either remove the #-mark in front of Option "sw_cursor" or simply add
> the line
> 8. save the file by pressing <F2>
> 9. exit "Midnight Commander" by pressing <F10>
> 10. back in the console-window, type exit twice , and you are done
> 11. restart the X-server or reboot.
> That's all, folks. And credit for this advice to the S.u.S.E. - people !
 Kaj Haulrich

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