Hi all (and hope Costin gets this too :-))
I am half way there, with only one hurdle to go! I have just looged in as root, found the lisa and reslisa config files and configured them correctly, thanks to http://lisa-home.sourceforge.net/ and the sample configs there. However, I have one final problem. I can log in and see all my windows shares as root, but its a different story when logged in as <username>. Clicking on network in the home dir tells me to configure LAN browsing using control center. Going to control center tells me that to configure lisa I must be root! But I have already configured it as root and it is working!!! Why am I stuck in this loop?
I have tried copying and pasting both config files into the appropriate place in my <username> home directory, but that doesn't work.
Please could someone help me finish the circle?
Costin - I had the same error message as you, but used the simplest of the config files on the web site above and it solved the problem (as root anyway). Hope this helps.

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