Here is my current (first ever) Dual boot setup for windows and MDK7.1

[michael@localhost michael]$ df
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb5             3.7G  2.5G  1.0G  71% /
/dev/hda1             7.9G  3.3G  4.6G  42% /mnt/win_c
/dev/hda5             7.9G  104k  7.9G   0% /mnt/win_d

Note: i did not partition hdb at all apart from swap which is not shown.

I use my computer for an all purpose home/learning/development tool. I have the
internet connected via modem and Apache running (local only, no network) to test
various things on offline.

I have read the advise given in RUTE and am proposing to destroy /mnt/win_d to
install MDK8.2 on. Here are the partitions i propose. I will on Civilemes advise
use xfs.

swap    256MB   #My mem is 128MB
/       100MB   #includes /boot
/var    1GB
/tmp    100MB
/usr    2GB
/home   The rest 

Eventually i will migrate from 7.1 to 8.2 completely. At that time i could move
/usr to hdb (making it read only) and reformat /home to include the extra space

Does anyone have any advice as to pros and cons of my proposed layout.

Xerox your lunch and file it under "sex offenders"!

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