Hello Civilme & folks,

You are a good supporter of the system, Civilme, and a good techo, you are
also an atrocious psychologist/philosopher - a true Geek! :-)
BTW: Do you know what this symbol means?  :-)  I keep forgetting many people
don't, especially Geeks for some reason....

Now, if you were to re-read your post to me carefully and calmly, you would
find that it precisely supports my contention!
E.G. The partial-joke quote from Voltaire: He wasn't the first to use it -
it is thousands of years old - Indian in origin, just like the Desiderata.
THIS was and is, the substance of my contention. Freedom of Speech.
"Only those without substance cannot, will not listen to reason ....... in
case they become convinced and thus valueless because they were wrong."
Another old quote from the Ku a'la

Yes, the one thing Mr Gates DOES understand is marketing, as does Mr Jobs.
It should be mandatory for all Geeks to read a couple of books before
espousing the proven unworkable tenets of Communism/Socialism. (Anarchy has
a better chance.)
I am happy from my own area of experience to suggest some eye-opening
fascinating stuff, if anyone is interested. My contribution toward a bridge
of understanding between two alien-to-each-other cultures.

But please, no more rhetoric. Evidence. Like I produce. A case to put
forward and answer. Reason, not gratuitous insults to intelligent discourse.

By the way, in international activity, only the Laws of France are
considered as unjust as most 3rd World States........ in my humble opinion
and in my professional peer group majority.

BTW:  The wonder of it all is that with today's technology, we can,
individually, elect not to associate with anyone specifically for whatever
I do. A year or so ago, I simply stopped receiving information from a couple
of people on this very list. Not just because I disagreed with their ideas,
but because I could see that they were unreasonable people - fanatics as we
call them.
But I still have some fascinating correspondence with a man who stoutly
maintains that the Holocaust never happened. He is also a devout
Christian/Catholic. He would like to see Barbara Thering crucified and
burnt.................. She is an heretic, admittedly...

It is a beautiful morning here in paradise, the birds are singing, the
display of the rainbow Lorrikeets outside my study is distracting........ I
think I'll go for a walk in the morning sunshine. Bless you all.



----- Original Message -----
From: civileme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 5:53 AM
Subject: [newbie] Sheesh already--

> OK, I fail geek 101--my filter didn't work. Why oh why do I always take
> the bait?
> Yes, John, make your own group off the list where you can all agree with
> each other.  If your ideas do not find immeduiate acceptance here and
> people do disagree with you or even dispute your possession of the
> facts, it would be safe for you to make your own group, where you can
> filter anyone who decides to dispute your rhetoric.  Of course you can
> do that here as well, but then you cannot refute their replies because
> you can't see them.
> BTW, more correctly, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will
> defend to the death your right to say it."  (Tr from French) -- Voltaire
>  And whence does Mandrakesoft originate...  That same hotbed of radical
> liberty-seekers, France.  That might be a clue why you will not be
> removed from this list.  Now if list members trash you, you probably
> didn't substantiate your claims to their satisfaction.  Don't ask us to
> interfere with their freedom, either.  You will receive the same answer
> those who thought you should not be on this list were given.

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