On Sunday 07 April 2002 12:05 am, Randy Kramer opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

> shane wrote:
> > On Saturday 06 April 2002 11:06 pm, Paul Rodríguez opened a hailing
> >
> > frequency and transmitted:
> > > Why was Abiword not included as part of 8.2?
> >
> > if i remember correctly this was asked, and the general feel seemed to
> > be "cause they haven't changed the package in so long it is damn near
> > useless now"
> It's too bad people perceive it that way.  AbiWord seems to be a fairly
> active development project especially considering the small number of
> developers and time available for each.   They are currently
> concentrating on several "bugfix" releases prior to releasing 1.0, which
> will *not* have tables and some other features people desire.

i agree, and if nothing else it provides one more office app choice.  more 
choice is always good.  i am only pointing out what i recall a few posters 
saying.  it may have even been another list.

if only kword and staroffice could better open some of my older files, as 
well as share files better.........

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