Title: XFREE86 Upgrade = Wacked out KDE

I upgraded to 4.1.x of Xfree86 which went over fine…  Then I ran the xf86config and set everything back.  I set the video card to Ati All in wonder, but I have a Radeon 64mb VIVO, which I thought was supported, but isn't in the list.  Then I set my mouse to my mouse which is a Microsoft Intellimouse.

Now, after this, I rebooted then the color and depth was great, but the mouse was wacked out where it wasn't responding too well and the display was shifted to the right.

I looked to see how to fix this, but it says reconfigure xfree, so I tried by running it in fail-safe mode, which the terminal did not respond… How do I fix this and how do I get to a pure terminal where I can reconfigure this?  How do you stop KDE from starting up?

Thank you,
Todd Williamsen, MCSE
home: 847.265.4692
Cell: 847.867.9427

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