Just a couple of questions which actually have little to do with this list  (i.e. I 
won't follow
that thread anymore after this...)
1. Have you ever had the privilege to work in industry?
2. Have you ever had a family to support?
best regards
--- Jonathan Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 06 December 2001 04:06 am, Dexter Filmore wrote:
> > > messages. I am not running windows, this is not a list for windows
> > > related questions,
> >
> > did it ever come to your mind that some people are taking part in this list
> > from work where they simply can't run linux cuz the whole company runs win
> > on their machines? Hm?
> >
> One more reason to switch from Microsoft, I guess. By now, you should have a 
> pile of evidence to present to your employer against using microsoft products.
> And you can always do what sane employees in the technical fields do when 
> their management makes bad decisions - find another job. If your employer 
> doesn't make good decisions, it's you that will lose your job, not them. 
> It's time people stopped whining about being forced to use windows and did 
> everything the can to change it.
> Jonathan
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