Never ever saw anything like this. Even tho linux folks are geeks, who'd make up an error msg like that?

Henry Sauvageot schrieb:

I have Linux 7.0 on a Pentium II 400 processor, using the X windows packages.  After using it for several months without any problem, I changed some of my display settings, as root, from the GNOME Control Center, during which session I also looked at various Window Managers.  Now, when I reboot the machine, all I get is the following, ad nauseum, in a perpetual loop, so that the boot sequence never finishes: According to /var/run/, gdm was already running (2254), but seems to have been murdered mysteriously.According to /var/run/, gdm was already running (2273), but seems to have been murdered mysteriously.According to /var/run/, gdm was already running (2292), but seems to have been murdered mysteriously.According to /var/run/, gdm was already running (2311), but seems to have been murdered mysteriously. The screen then flickers, goes black, pause, then the above messages come back on, with an additional line appended to the above list of "murdered" processes. I'm able to telnet into the machine >from my regular WindowsXP PC, but after looking at documentation and man pages and what-not for over a day now, I'm completely stumped and have no idea what's going on, and am frankly utterly confused by the documentation.  Can someone please guide me through a successful resolution to this problem? Henry Sauvageot
v:  718-788-1511

Version: 3.12
GCM d-(--)@ s-:+ a-- C++ UL>+++ P>++ L+>++ E- W++ N- o? K? w--(---) !O
M-- V? PS+ PE+++(++) Y+
PGP- t+(++) 5 X+(++) R++(+++) tv--@ b++ DI+++ D+ G(--) e* h(+) r%>* !y+

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