Both video cards are Matrox Millennium II., cards 0 & 1.
Monitor 0 is an oldish Dell, and works fine for 640x480, 800x600, and
Monitor 1 is a much older Relysis that has more limitations, and is

What I'm finding is that both monitors will work in these 3 resolutions
using the settings for the Relysis for both monitors.  However, this is
undesirable for the Dell monitor, which can handle higher-frequencies.  So I
change JUST the Dell stuff to what is optimal for the Dell, and for some
reason the Relysis no longer works appears that the settings
for the Dell monitor are being used for both somehow.

I've made a number of changes to my XF86Config-4 file, and I'm strongly
leaning towards the conclusion that the monitors, while maybe not having to
be exact matches, must use the same freq. and sync values for the same given


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