use XFree86 -configure or xf86cfg (see post by Eric Sprague Re: [Newbie]ATi Radeon 
basically I am unconfortable with your HorizSync and with the fact that you have a 
Modes line
without anything in it in your display subsection for depth 24.
These may have nothing to do with your problem but it would be nice to eliminate the
--- Bruce Zohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having a problem with X-4.1: It takes a minute and a half for the
> root window to come up.  I feel like I've been banging my head against a
> wall for weeks now, to no avail.  I'm attaching my XF86Config-4 and my
> log file.  I hope someone out there can help.
> > # File generated by xf86config.

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