Hi all,
  I just upgraded to XFree86 4.2.0 using the binary distribution for my 
system from XFree86.org.  I used the binary that `Xinstall.sh -check` 
indicated to use.
  The install went fine via `Xinstall.sh`went fine.   I ran it from the 
console after killing X.  I just took the defaults for everything during the 
install.  I restarted and came back to the same login screen (I believe it's 
the gnome login screen).  
  My problem is that anytime I login, no matter which desktop I select, I 
always end up in twm.  This is rather annoying, to say the least.  
  I rm'd my .Xclient file in my home directory hoping that would force it to 
use the system default but there was no difference.  I looked at the files 
/etc/X11/xinit/Xclient and /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.  I didn't see anything 
that looks wrong but I'm not really too familiar with shell scripts.  I put 
some echo statements in each of the files (e.g.  echo  "hello?">> 
/tmp/testing ) and as far as I can tell, they are NOT being executed.  I 
don't really understand what could be going on.
  Lastly, on a whim, I renamed the twm executable to twm.orig and created a 
soft link called twm to startkde.  That works, more or less... a hack to say 
the least... Anyone know how to solve my problem?

System Info:
Stock Redhat 7.2 except KDE 2.2.2 (I upgraded a few days ago from whatever 
came stock with RH7.2)
AMD Athlon 750MHz
Voodoo 5500 AGP

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