I run 'XFree86 -configure' and it generates me a configuration file that
runs with the card,
I made some adjustments to the file(e.g. DefaultDepth  24) but the card
works fine with this.
Try it. Any problems with that you can ask me.

Gerardo Amaya

>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 2:23 PM
> Subject:      [Newbie]Radeon VE, XFree86 4.2, FreeBSD 4.5
> I am trying to install XFree86 4.2 on my FreeBSD 4.5 machine.
> I downloaded the binaries and install them using the Xinstall.sh script
provided answering yes to all of the questions.
> Everything goes great until I try to configure the server.
> When using the xf86cfg utility, the screen comes up with pictures of a
monitor, mouse, etc,  but no text or buttons, then the pics disappear and I
get the black and white background with the X mouse pointer.  The utility
just hangs until I ssh into the machine and kill the XFree86 process.
> I have a ViewSonic G810 21' monitor with a Horizontal sync of 30-97 and
Vertical sync of 50-180
> I have an ATI Radeon 7000 DDR 32 AGP VE card
> Standard PS2 mouse
> Standard PS2 keyboard
> Could someone send me an XF86Config file that works with this card?  or
give some advice?
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> Bryan Strain
> Fishback Management & Research, Inc

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