I'm running (or trying to get to run...) RH7.2 on a ThinkPad A31p. Since
the ATI Mobility 7800 is not supported, I installed the framebuffer
driver, which comes up fine (running in vesa mode 884, 1600x1200, 16
bpp). However, it gives me a gigantic virtual desktop, something like
1600x6000 or so. I've tried putting "Virtual 0 0" or Virtual "1600 1200"
in my XF86Config, but it doesn't have any effect. I'm using Modes

Is there any other way of setting the desktop size? Could these problems
have something to do with my installing XFree4.2 first, and then the
3.3.6 FBDev?

Thanks a lot!


Maximilian Riesenhuber                          e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Center for Biological & Computational Learning  phone:  (617) 258-0725
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, E25-213a fax:    (617) 253-2964 
45 Carleton St.
Cambridge, MA 02142                   http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/max
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