I just recently purchased a Presario 2800T, P4 – 1.5 gig, 40 gig hd, 512 meg ddr ram,  ATI Mobility 7500 . I’m using rh 7.3 which comes with the latest XFree86


My problem is when I load Xwindows the display has some issues

The only way I can explain it is that somehow my computer did not completely render the display.


Remember the old interlaced gif that would render a little bit at a time, that is what the graphics and text look like on my display. The graphics and text are not completely rendered so I can make out parts of what the text says but very hard to read. Parts of the actual window look fine especially where there is solid colors like the background.


I tried different combinations of Generic Laptop Display Panels but to no avail. I also tried different resolutions 640*480, 800*600, 1024*768. Can anyone help?

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