I have been setting up a samba/FTP server.  There was one setup and running
and I crashed it last week.  It crashed after I modified the rights in the
files of the ftp server and altered some of the user information.  The
server is still running, but X windows will not run on the startx command.
I can only log in as the root.  In an effort to understand the problem I
built another just like it and it crashed after I finished setting the user
rights.  On reboot I notice the the ATD service will not start and think
that that is a good place to start.  Please give me some suggestions on what
might be causing this problem and what you think I might do to remedy it.
Attached is the XFree86.0.log for you to get an idea of what happens during

Mark Mitchell

Attachment: XFree86.0.log
Description: Binary data

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