
After I finish doing a full install of slackware 7.1, I was trying to get X
running by using xf86config and XF86Setup, but there is no support for my
videocard (ati aiw radeon) in these programs. Is there a default vga driver
(like windows has) that i can use temporarily until X is set-up and

Also i tried upgrading to the latest Xfree86 by using the Xinstall.sh
script, but whenever that's finished and i try to run either set up
program, i get this error:

xf86config: /lib/libc.so.6: version 'GLIBC_2.2' not found (required by

I'm figuring i have to upgrade my glibc version, but everyone says that
newbies shouldnt do that unless they have help.. (?)

Any helpful ideas is greatly appreciated..thanks..

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