I spent a lot of time digging through the archives (Note: Archives are
searchable from Google; go to the Advanced Search section and restrict
your search to domain "XFree86.Org".  Instructions for this are on the
page liked via "Support, Documentation and Resources" off the main XFree86
page.) 'cause I have a Dell Inspiron with an i830 chip and I couldn't get
it to work.  I found a good page describing this situation put up by
someone I believe in Australia (sorry - I can't find the link right now)
who has analyzed this to death.  Basically...

... the problem appears to be that the laptop manufacturers apparently
reserve 1MB of memory for "legacy" mode in these chips.  Intel recommends
going into the BIOS and changing it to 8MB.  Dell doesn't provide a way to
do this (well, I haven't found a way and the Dell support response is
"Huh?") and my guess is Sony probably doesn't either.  Since the i810
driver (which is used for the i830 chip) apparenlyt uses the legacy mode,
you can't run a resolution that requires more than 1MB of memory.  Pretty
much that limits you to 640x480 256 color and 1024x768 16 color.  :-(

Hopefully someone who knows the i810 driver is working the problem.  I
_REALLY_ hate having to use M$ Windoze on my laptop.  Until then though...



On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Douglas du Boulay was heard whispering through the Net:

ddb>Hello, I'm having a very difficult time trying to
ddb>get an Xserver running on the intel i830MG chipset on the
ddb>Sony Vaio PCG-R505X/PD laptop
ddb>I believe it is a very very recent Japanese model.
ddb>It came with Japanese Windows XP but I'm trying to
ddb>set up debian linux (coz I can't read Kanji).
ddb>Anyway, I downloaded the file X420src-1.tgz
ddb>xfree 4.2.0 (Jan 17th?) tarball number 1 and merrily
ddb>compiled and installed to /usr/local/X11R6
ddb>(so as not to confuse my existing debian 4.1.xx xfree86 )
ddb>I also built and installed the i830.o kernel module
ddb>and have it installed in a running 2.4.18 linux kernel.
ddb>Sadly running startx or xf86cfg doesn't work.
ddb>Briefly I get some green trash on the screen followed shortly
ddb>by a grey hash wallpaper in a centred rectangle about 1/2
ddb>the size of the actual laptop screen. Thereafter
ddb>the process exits.
ddb>I enclose /var/log/XFree86.0.log (kdm) and XFree86.8.log
ddb>below. Hope someone can figure whats going wrong
ddb>P.S. Its possible there are some kernel issues involved
ddb>also because the booting kernel has problems assigning
ddb>IRQs to some slots on the PCI bus, apparently ...

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