HI All,

About a week back I'd sent a mail in this list regarding cyrix board problem. I've not 
recd. any reply. Hence I'm again forwarding the same mail. 

I'm using redhat 7.1 on a cyrix M/B with cyrix mediaGX 233 MHz processor.

        Has anybody used latest XFree86 on cyrix mediaGX? I've been using
XF86_SVGA without any problem. When I upgrade it to XFree86 4.2.0,
the X server started, but not properly. The screen went full white with
lot of black dots spread across, and also the screen blinks.

        After installation, I've executed Xconfigurator. It detected the
monitor as "Samtron 428PT/PTL" and the corresponding frequencies. The
Device Identifier was "MediaGX", but the Driver it selected was "vga".
Hence I've manually edited /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file, and changed the
Driver to "cyrix". Only then I'm getting the results that I've mentioned
in the previos paragraph.

        Is there any options that I should use? I've tried with Option
"sw_cursor" with no results. I've attached the generated log file along
with this mail. Can somebody help..?!


Do I need to submitt bug report?



Attachment: XFree86.0.log

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