On Wed, 7 Aug 2002, no spam wrote:

> I use old ASUS MediaBus S3 868 Card (PCI+ISA in a single card) with PCI
> BusID (0:9:0).

> If I try ScanPCI (from command line) with "-1" or "-2" option, it shows
> 60 different video cards! However if I use ScanPCI (from command line)
> with "-O" (Operating System) option, it show only 1 card (with the
> correct BusID).

> Unfortunately XFree86's ScanPCI module detect 60 different video cards
> and "-configure" option create an XF86Config-New file with 60 different
> "Device" section for 60 cards! When I started StartX, there are 60
> warning lines: "no device section for instance..."

> Is there any option / setting that enable XFree86 ScanPCI module to use
> "-O" (Operating System) option for detecting the correct number of
> display card?  At least there should be a setting / option for turning
> off the warning.
> Any idea about the solution for the problem?

I believe I've already dealt with this problem in a different way in the
current CVS sources.  Please privately send me the `scanpci -v` output
just to be sure.  Use the scanpci you already have.


|  Marc Aurele La France           |  work:   1-780-492-9310           |
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XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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