After having problems getting the DVI-I output to work on my radeon 7000
32 ddr (detected as radeon ve qy by Suse 8.0 Pro / Xfree86 version 4.2 stock
kernel 2.4.18) with my Princeton DPP560 LCD (DFP input) using a DVI-I to
DFP adaptor, I downloaded the latest xfree86 cvs (Sunday 6th Oct, 2002).

After successfull complile, backup of /usr/X11R6, and install of
xfree86 version, all seems to work. So the radeon updates
have certainly helpled me (thanks xfree driver hackers !). However, some
minor problems:

(1) I can't get 3d acceleration to work though I think I have correct
    modules loaded in my XF86config file. Perhaps the module "glx" and
    sub module "GLcore" which are compiled against xfree86 version 4.2.0
    and I'm using (cvs). Just a guess. If so, what should I do?

(2) After using Suse's 8.0 Pro xfree86 config tool sax2 say to change the
    default depth and logging out to re-start the xserver my pc hangs
    (can't even do crl-alt-f1/f2/f3 etc..). I am forced to do a hard
    reset. This happended to me twice. The /var/log/messages gives just
    jiberish characters. On the other hand if I change XF86config manually
    and log out then no such problem ! Perhaps really a problem with
    Suse's sax2 tool.

My main problem is with point (1) above. Any suggestions on what I should

Perhaps I should just wait for Suse to come out with binaries for xfree
version 4.3 (whenever that occurs ;-)

PS. I have also posted this on the xpert xfree86 section. I think it
    should maybe belong here in newbie (I am quite new to linux xfree86).
    Sorry about cross posting.

----------  /etc/X11/XF86config -------------------------------------------

# /.../
# SaX generated XFree86 config file
# Created on: 2002-10-08.
# Version: 4.3
# Contact: Marcus Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2001
# Automatically generated by [SaX2] (4.3)

Section "Files"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/URW"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/PEX"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/misc:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/75dpi:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/100dpi:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/Type1"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin7/75dpi:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/baekmuk:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/japanese:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/kwintv:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/uni:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ucs/misc:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ucs/75dpi:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ucs/100dpi:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/hellas/misc:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/hellas/75dpi:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/hellas/100dpi:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/hellas/Type1"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/sgi:unscaled"
  FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/xtest"
  ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
  RgbPath      "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"

Section "ServerFlags"
  Option       "AllowMouseOpenFail"

Section "Module"
  Load         "type1"
  Load         "speedo"
  Load         "extmod"
  Load         "freetype"
  Load         "glx"
  Load         "dri"

Section "InputDevice"
  Driver       "Keyboard"
  Identifier   "Keyboard[0]"
  Option       "MapName" "Standard Keyboard [ pc104 ]"
  Option       "Protocol" "Standard"
  Option       "XkbLayout" "se"
  Option       "XkbModel" "pc104"
  Option       "XkbRules" "xfree86"

Section "InputDevice"
  Driver       "mouse"
  Identifier   "Mouse[1]"
  Option       "ButtonNumber" "5"
  Option       "Device" "/dev/mouse"
  Option       "InputFashion" "Mouse"
  Option       "Name" "Autodetection"
  Option       "Protocol" "imps/2"
  Option       "Vendor" "Sysp"
  Option       "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Section "Monitor"
  Option       "CalcAlgorithm" "CheckDesktopGeometry"
  DisplaySize  300 230
  HorizSync    31-65
  Identifier   "Monitor[0]"
  ModelName    "AutoDetected"
  Option       "DPMS"
  VendorName   "AutoDetected"
  VertRefresh  58-75
  UseModes     "Modes[0]"

Section "Modes"
  Identifier   "Modes[0]"
  Modeline      "1024x768" 66.29 1024 1040 1216 1328 768 768 775 802
  Modeline      "1024x768" 79.55 1024 1040 1216 1328 768 768 777 802
  Modeline      "640x480" 27.96 640 656 720 864 480 480 485 501
  Modeline      "800x600" 43.68 800 816 928 1072 600 600 606 626

Section "Screen"
  DefaultDepth 24
  SubSection "Display"
    Depth      15
    Modes      "1024x768" "640x480" "800x600"
  SubSection "Display"
    Depth      16
    Modes      "1024x768" "640x480" "800x600"
  SubSection "Display"
    Depth      24
    Modes      "1024x768" "640x480" "800x600"
  SubSection "Display"
    Depth      32
    Modes      "1024x768" "640x480" "800x600"
  SubSection "Display"
    Depth      8
    Modes      "1024x768" "640x480" "800x600"
  Device       "Device[0]"
  Identifier   "Screen[0]"
  Monitor      "Monitor[0]"

Section "Device"
  BoardName    "Unknown"
  BusID        "1:5:0"
  Driver       "radeon"
  Identifier   "Device[0]"
  Option       "dpms"
  Screen       0
  VendorName   "Unknown"

Section "ServerLayout"
  Identifier   "Layout[all]"
  InputDevice  "Keyboard[0]" "CoreKeyboard"
  InputDevice  "Mouse[1]" "CorePointer"
  Option       "Clone" "off"
  Option       "Xinerama" "off"
  Screen       "Screen[0]"

Section "DRI"
    Group      "video"
    Mode       0660

----------------  /var/log/XFree86.0.log --------------------------

This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not supported in any
way.  Bugs may be reported to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and patches submitted
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions,
please check the latest version in the XFree86 CVS repository

XFree86 Version / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6600)
Release Date: 26 September 2002
        If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
        newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
        reporting problems.  (See http://www.XFree86.Org/)
Build Operating System: Linux 2.4.18-4GB i686 [ELF]
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
         (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
         (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.0.log", Time: Wed Oct  9 13:21:44 2002
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/XF86Config"
(==) ServerLayout "Layout[all]"
(**) |-->Screen "Screen[0]" (0)
(**) |   |-->Monitor "Monitor[0]"
(**) |   |-->Device "Device[0]"
(**) |-->Input Device "Keyboard[0]"
(**) Option "Protocol" "Standard"
(**) Option "XkbRules" "xfree86"
(**) XKB: rules: "xfree86"
(**) Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
(**) XKB: model: "pc104"
(**) Option "XkbLayout" "se"
(**) XKB: layout: "se"
(==) Keyboard: CustomKeycode disabled
(**) |-->Input Device "Mouse[1]"
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/PEX" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/misc" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/75dpi" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/100dpi" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/Type1" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin7/75dpi" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/baekmuk" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/japanese" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ucs/misc" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ucs/75dpi" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ucs/100dpi" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/hellas/misc" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/hellas/75dpi" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/hellas/100dpi" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/hellas/Type1" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/sgi" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/xtest" does not exist.
        Entry deleted from font path.
(**) FontPath set to 
(**) RgbPath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
(**) ModulePath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
(**) Option "AllowMouseOpenFail"
(**) Option "Xinerama" "off"
(--) using VT number 7

(II) Open APM successful
(II) Module ABI versions:
        XFree86 ANSI C Emulation: 0.1
        XFree86 Video Driver: 0.6
        XFree86 XInput driver : 0.3
        XFree86 Server Extension : 0.1
        XFree86 Font Renderer : 0.3
(II) Loader running on linux
(II) LoadModule: "bitmap"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
(II) Module bitmap: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
        Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
        ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.3
(II) Loading font Bitmap
(II) LoadModule: "pcidata"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
(II) Module pcidata: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
        ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.6
(II) PCI: Probing config type using method 1
(II) PCI: Config type is 1
(II) PCI: stages = 0x03, oldVal1 = 0x80012814, mode1Res1 = 0x80000000
(II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
(II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 1022,7006 card 0000,0000 rev 23 class 06,00,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:01:0: chip 1022,7007 card 0000,0000 rev 01 class 06,04,00 hdr 81
(II) PCI: 00:07:0: chip 1022,7408 card 0000,0000 rev 01 class 06,01,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:07:1: chip 1022,7409 card 0000,0000 rev 03 class 01,01,8a hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:3: chip 1022,740b card 0000,0000 rev 03 class 06,80,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:4: chip 1022,740c card 0000,0000 rev 06 class 0c,03,10 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:08:0: chip 1077,1020 card 0000,0000 rev 05 class 01,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:09:0: chip 1274,1371 card 1274,1371 rev 06 class 04,01,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:0c:0: chip 11ad,0002 card 1385,f004 rev 20 class 02,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 01:05:0: chip 1002,5159 card 148c,2005 rev 00 class 03,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: End of PCI scan
(II) Host-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 0: bridge is at (0:0:0), (0,0,1), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus 0 I/O range:
        [0] -1  0       0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[B]
(II) Bus 0 non-prefetchable memory range:
        [0] -1  0       0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
(II) Bus 0 prefetchable memory range:
        [0] -1  0       0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
(II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 1: bridge is at (0:1:0), (0,1,1), BCTRL: 0x000e (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus 1 I/O range:
        [0] -1  0       0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [1] -1  0       0x0000d400 - 0x0000d4ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [2] -1  0       0x0000d800 - 0x0000d8ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [3] -1  0       0x0000dc00 - 0x0000dcff (0x100) IX[B]
(II) Bus 1 non-prefetchable memory range:
        [0] -1  0       0xe8000000 - 0xe9ffffff (0x2000000) MX[B]
(II) Bus 1 prefetchable memory range:
        [0] -1  0       0xe0000000 - 0xe7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B]
(II) PCI-to-ISA bridge:
(II) Bus -1: bridge is at (0:7:0), (0,-1,-1), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set)
(--) PCI:*(1:5:0) ATI Technologies Inc Radeon VE QY rev 0, Mem @ 0xe0000000/27, 
0xe9000000/16, I/O @ 0xd000/8
(II) Addressable bus resource ranges are
        [0] -1  0       0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[B]
        [1] -1  0       0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[B]
(II) OS-reported resource ranges:
        [0] -1  0       0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
        [1] -1  0       0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
        [2] -1  0       0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
        [3] -1  0       0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
        [4] -1  0       0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
        [5] -1  0       0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
        [6] -1  0       0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
(II) PCI Memory resource overlap reduced 0xd8000000 from 0xdfffffff to 0xd7ffffff
(II) PCI Memory resource overlap reduced 0xec001000 from 0xec001fff to 0xec000fff
(II) PCI I/O resource overlap reduced 0x0000e000 from 0x0000e003 to 0x0000dfff
(II) Active PCI resource ranges:
        [0] -1  0       0xec002000 - 0xec0020ff (0x100) MX[B]
        [1] -1  0       0xec000000 - 0xec000fff (0x1000) MX[B]
        [2] -1  0       0xec003000 - 0xec003fff (0x1000) MX[B]
        [3] -1  0       0xec001000 - 0xec000fff (0x0) MX[B]O
        [4] -1  0       0xd8000000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x0) MX[B]O
        [5] -1  0       0xe9000000 - 0xe900ffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
        [6] -1  0       0xe0000000 - 0xe7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
        [7] -1  0       0x0000ec00 - 0x0000ecff (0x100) IX[B]
        [8] -1  0       0x0000e800 - 0x0000e83f (0x40) IX[B]
        [9] -1  0       0x0000e400 - 0x0000e4ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [10] -1 0       0x0000f000 - 0x0000f00f (0x10) IX[B]
        [11] -1 0       0x0000e000 - 0x0000dfff (0x0) IX[B]O
        [12] -1 0       0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[B](B)
(II) Active PCI resource ranges after removing overlaps:
        [0] -1  0       0xec002000 - 0xec0020ff (0x100) MX[B]
        [1] -1  0       0xec000000 - 0xec000fff (0x1000) MX[B]
        [2] -1  0       0xec003000 - 0xec003fff (0x1000) MX[B]
        [3] -1  0       0xec001000 - 0xec000fff (0x0) MX[B]O
        [4] -1  0       0xd8000000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x0) MX[B]O
        [5] -1  0       0xe9000000 - 0xe900ffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
        [6] -1  0       0xe0000000 - 0xe7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
        [7] -1  0       0x0000ec00 - 0x0000ecff (0x100) IX[B]
        [8] -1  0       0x0000e800 - 0x0000e83f (0x40) IX[B]
        [9] -1  0       0x0000e400 - 0x0000e4ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [10] -1 0       0x0000f000 - 0x0000f00f (0x10) IX[B]
        [11] -1 0       0x0000e000 - 0x0000dfff (0x0) IX[B]O
        [12] -1 0       0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[B](B)
(II) OS-reported resource ranges after removing overlaps with PCI:
        [0] -1  0       0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
        [1] -1  0       0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
        [2] -1  0       0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
        [3] -1  0       0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
        [4] -1  0       0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
        [5] -1  0       0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
        [6] -1  0       0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
(II) All system resource ranges:
        [0] -1  0       0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
        [1] -1  0       0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
        [2] -1  0       0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
        [3] -1  0       0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
        [4] -1  0       0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
        [5] -1  0       0xec002000 - 0xec0020ff (0x100) MX[B]
        [6] -1  0       0xec000000 - 0xec000fff (0x1000) MX[B]
        [7] -1  0       0xec003000 - 0xec003fff (0x1000) MX[B]
        [8] -1  0       0xec001000 - 0xec000fff (0x0) MX[B]O
        [9] -1  0       0xd8000000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x0) MX[B]O
        [10] -1 0       0xe9000000 - 0xe900ffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
        [11] -1 0       0xe0000000 - 0xe7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
        [12] -1 0       0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
        [13] -1 0       0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [14] -1 0       0x0000ec00 - 0x0000ecff (0x100) IX[B]
        [15] -1 0       0x0000e800 - 0x0000e83f (0x40) IX[B]
        [16] -1 0       0x0000e400 - 0x0000e4ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [17] -1 0       0x0000f000 - 0x0000f00f (0x10) IX[B]
        [18] -1 0       0x0000e000 - 0x0000dfff (0x0) IX[B]O
        [19] -1 0       0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[B](B)
(II) LoadModule: "type1"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libtype1.a
(II) Module type1: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 1.0.1
        Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
        ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.3
(II) Loading font Type1
(II) Loading font CID
(II) LoadModule: "speedo"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libspeedo.a
(II) Module speedo: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 1.0.1
        Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
        ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.3
(II) Loading font Speedo
(II) LoadModule: "extmod"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libextmod.a
(II) Module extmod: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
        Module class: XFree86 Server Extension
        ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension SHAPE
(II) Loading extension BIG-REQUESTS
(II) Loading extension SYNC
(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
(II) Loading extension XC-MISC
(II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
(II) Loading extension XFree86-Misc
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DGA
(II) Loading extension DPMS
(II) Loading extension FontCache
(II) Loading extension TOG-CUP
(II) Loading extension Extended-Visual-Information
(II) Loading extension XVideo
(II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
(II) Loading extension X-Resource
(II) LoadModule: "freetype"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libfreetype.a
(II) Module freetype: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 2.0.1
        Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
        ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.3
(II) Loading font FreeType
(II) LoadModule: "glx"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.a
(II) Module glx: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for 4.2.0, module version = 1.0.0
        ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading sub module "GLcore"
(II) LoadModule: "GLcore"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a
(II) Module GLcore: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for 4.2.0, module version = 1.0.0
        ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension GLX
(II) LoadModule: "dri"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a
(II) Module dri: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
        ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading sub module "drm"
(II) LoadModule: "drm"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/linux/libdrm.a
(II) Module drm: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
        ABI class: XFree86 Server Extension, version 0.1
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DRI
(II) LoadModule: "radeon"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/radeon_drv.o
(II) Module radeon: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 4.0.1
        Module class: XFree86 Video Driver
        ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.6
(II) LoadModule: "ati"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/ati_drv.o
(II) Module ati: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 6.4.13
        Module class: XFree86 Video Driver
        ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.6
(II) LoadModule: "mouse"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/mouse_drv.o
(II) Module mouse: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
        Module class: XFree86 XInput Driver
        ABI class: XFree86 XInput driver, version 0.3
(II) ATI: ATI driver (version 6.4.13) for chipsets: ati, ativga
(II) R128: Driver for ATI Rage 128 chipsets: ATI Rage 128 RE (PCI),
        ATI Rage 128 RF (AGP), ATI Rage 128 RG (AGP), ATI Rage 128 RK (PCI),
        ATI Rage 128 RL (AGP), ATI Rage 128 SM (AGP),
        ATI Rage 128 Pro PD (PCI), ATI Rage 128 Pro PF (AGP),
        ATI Rage 128 Pro PP (PCI), ATI Rage 128 Pro PR (PCI),
        ATI Rage 128 Pro ULTRA TF (AGP), ATI Rage 128 Pro ULTRA TL (AGP),
        ATI Rage 128 Pro ULTRA TR (AGP), ATI Rage 128 Mobility LE (PCI),
        ATI Rage 128 Mobility LF (AGP), ATI Rage 128 Mobility MF (AGP),
        ATI Rage 128 Mobility ML (AGP)
(II) RADEON: Driver for ATI Radeon chipsets: ATI Radeon QD (AGP),
        ATI Radeon QE (AGP), ATI Radeon QF (AGP), ATI Radeon QG (AGP),
        ATI Radeon VE QY (AGP), ATI Radeon VE QZ (AGP),
        ATI Radeon Mobility LW (AGP), ATI Radeon Mobility LX (AGP),
        ATI Radeon Mobility LY (AGP), ATI Radeon Mobility LZ (AGP),
        ATI Radeon 8500 QL (AGP), ATI Radeon 8500 QN (AGP),
        ATI Radeon 8500 QO (AGP), ATI Radeon 8500 Ql (AGP),
        ATI Radeon 8500 BB (AGP), ATI Radeon 7500 QW (AGP)
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:05:0
(--) Chipset ATI Radeon VE QY (AGP) found
(II) resource ranges after xf86ClaimFixedResources() call:
        [0] -1  0       0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
        [1] -1  0       0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
        [2] -1  0       0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
        [3] -1  0       0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
        [4] -1  0       0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
        [5] -1  0       0xec002000 - 0xec0020ff (0x100) MX[B]
        [6] -1  0       0xec000000 - 0xec000fff (0x1000) MX[B]
        [7] -1  0       0xec003000 - 0xec003fff (0x1000) MX[B]
        [8] -1  0       0xec001000 - 0xec000fff (0x0) MX[B]O
        [9] -1  0       0xd8000000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x0) MX[B]O
        [10] -1 0       0xe9000000 - 0xe900ffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
        [11] -1 0       0xe0000000 - 0xe7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
        [12] -1 0       0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
        [13] -1 0       0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [14] -1 0       0x0000ec00 - 0x0000ecff (0x100) IX[B]
        [15] -1 0       0x0000e800 - 0x0000e83f (0x40) IX[B]
        [16] -1 0       0x0000e400 - 0x0000e4ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [17] -1 0       0x0000f000 - 0x0000f00f (0x10) IX[B]
        [18] -1 0       0x0000e000 - 0x0000dfff (0x0) IX[B]O
        [19] -1 0       0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[B](B)
(II) Loading sub module "radeon"
(II) LoadModule: "radeon"
(II) Reloading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/radeon_drv.o
(II) resource ranges after probing:
        [0] -1  0       0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
        [1] -1  0       0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
        [2] -1  0       0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
        [3] -1  0       0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
        [4] -1  0       0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
        [5] -1  0       0xec002000 - 0xec0020ff (0x100) MX[B]
        [6] -1  0       0xec000000 - 0xec000fff (0x1000) MX[B]
        [7] -1  0       0xec003000 - 0xec003fff (0x1000) MX[B]
        [8] -1  0       0xec001000 - 0xec000fff (0x0) MX[B]O
        [9] -1  0       0xd8000000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x0) MX[B]O
        [10] -1 0       0xe9000000 - 0xe900ffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
        [11] -1 0       0xe0000000 - 0xe7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
        [12] 0  0       0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[B]
        [13] 0  0       0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[B]
        [14] 0  0       0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[B]
        [15] -1 0       0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
        [16] -1 0       0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [17] -1 0       0x0000ec00 - 0x0000ecff (0x100) IX[B]
        [18] -1 0       0x0000e800 - 0x0000e83f (0x40) IX[B]
        [19] -1 0       0x0000e400 - 0x0000e4ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [20] -1 0       0x0000f000 - 0x0000f00f (0x10) IX[B]
        [21] -1 0       0x0000e000 - 0x0000dfff (0x0) IX[B]O
        [22] -1 0       0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[B](B)
        [23] 0  0       0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[B]
        [24] 0  0       0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[B]
(II) Setting vga for screen 0.
(II) Loading sub module "vgahw"
(II) LoadModule: "vgahw"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libvgahw.a
(II) Module vgahw: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 0.1.0
        ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.6
(II) RADEON(0): vgaHWGetIOBase: hwp->IOBase is 0x03d0, hwp->PIOOffset is 0x0000
(II) RADEON(0): PCI bus 1 card 5 func 0
(**) RADEON(0): Depth 16, (--) framebuffer bpp 16
(II) RADEON(0): Pixel depth = 16 bits stored in 2 bytes (16 bpp pixmaps)
(==) RADEON(0): Default visual is TrueColor
(==) RADEON(0): RGB weight 565
(II) RADEON(0): Using 6 bits per RGB (8 bit DAC)
(II) Loading sub module "int10"
(II) LoadModule: "int10"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/linux/libint10.a
(II) Module int10: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
        ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.6
(II) RADEON(0): initializing int10
(II) RADEON(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000
(--) RADEON(0): Chipset: "ATI Radeon VE QY (AGP)" (ChipID = 0x5159)
(--) RADEON(0): Linear framebuffer at 0xe0000000
(--) RADEON(0): MMIO registers at 0xe9000000
(--) RADEON(0): VideoRAM: 32768 kByte (64-bit DDR SDRAM)
(II) RADEON(0): Primary Display == Type 3
(II) Loading sub module "ddc"
(II) LoadModule: "ddc"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libddc.a
(II) Module ddc: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
        ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.6
(II) Loading sub module "i2c"
(II) LoadModule: "i2c"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libi2c.a
(II) Module i2c: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 1.2.0
        ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.6
(II) RADEON(0): I2C bus "DDC" initialized.
(II) RADEON(0): PLL parameters: rf=2700 rd=12 min=12000 max=30000; xclk=16600
(==) RADEON(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(II) RADEON(0): Validating modes on Primary head (DDCType: 2) ---------
(II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" registered at address 0xA0.
(II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" removed.
(II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" registered at address 0xA0.
(II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DDC:ddc2" removed.
(II) RADEON(0): I2C EDID Info:
(II) RADEON(0): Manufacturer: PGS  Model: 3013  Serial#: 1503598
(II) RADEON(0): Year: 1999  Week: 15
(II) RADEON(0): EDID Version: 1.1
(II) RADEON(0): Digital Display Input
(II) RADEON(0): Max H-Image Size [cm]: horiz.: 30  vert.: 23
(II) RADEON(0): Gamma: 2.20
(II) RADEON(0): DPMS capabilities: StandBy Off; RGB/Color Display
(II) RADEON(0): redX: 0.595 redY: 0.350   greenX: 0.314 greenY: 0.574
(II) RADEON(0): blueX: 0.149 blueY: 0.125   whiteX: 0.300 whiteY: 0.319
(II) RADEON(0): Supported VESA Video Modes:
(II) RADEON(0): 1024x768@60Hz
(II) RADEON(0): Manufacturer's mask: 0
(II) RADEON(0): Monitor name: Princeton
(II) RADEON(0): Monitor name: DPP 560
(II) RADEON(0): Serial No: 1503598
(II) RADEON(0): End of DDC Monitor info

(II) RADEON(0): Panel size found from DDC: 1024x768
(II) RADEON(0): Total of 0 mode(s) found.
(II) RADEON(0): Valid Mode by using on-chip RMX: 1024x768
(II) RADEON(0): Valid Mode by using on-chip RMX: 640x480
(II) RADEON(0): Valid Mode by using on-chip RMX: 800x600
(II) RADEON(0): Total of 3 mode(s) found. 137790488
(--) RADEON(0): Virtual size is 1024x768 (pitch 1024)
(**) RADEON(0): Mode "1024x768": 65.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 48.4 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) RADEON(0): Modeline "1024x768"   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806
(**) RADEON(0): Mode "640x480": 65.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 48.4 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) RADEON(0): Modeline "640x480"   65.00  640 1048 1184 1344  480 771 777 806
(**) RADEON(0): Mode "800x600": 65.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 48.4 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) RADEON(0): Modeline "800x600"   65.00  800 1048 1184 1344  600 771 777 806
(**) RADEON(0): Display dimensions: (300, 230) mm
(**) RADEON(0): DPI set to (86, 84)
(II) Loading sub module "fb"
(II) LoadModule: "fb"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libfb.a
(II) Module fb: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
        ABI class: XFree86 ANSI C Emulation, version 0.1
(II) Loading sub module "ramdac"
(II) LoadModule: "ramdac"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libramdac.a
(II) Module ramdac: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 0.1.0
        ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.6
(II) Loading sub module "xaa"
(II) LoadModule: "xaa"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libxaa.a
(II) Module xaa: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
        compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
        ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.6
(II) RADEON(0): Depth moves disabled by default
(!!) RADEON(0): For information on using the multimedia capabilities
 of this adapter, please see
(II) do I need RAC?  No, I don't.
(II) resource ranges after preInit:
        [0] 0   0       0xe9000000 - 0xe900ffff (0x10000) MX[B]
        [1] 0   0       0xe0000000 - 0xe7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B]
        [2] -1  0       0xffe00000 - 0xffffffff (0x200000) MX[B](B)
        [3] -1  0       0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[B]E(B)
        [4] -1  0       0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[B]
        [5] -1  0       0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[B]
        [6] -1  0       0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[B]
        [7] -1  0       0xec002000 - 0xec0020ff (0x100) MX[B]
        [8] -1  0       0xec000000 - 0xec000fff (0x1000) MX[B]
        [9] -1  0       0xec003000 - 0xec003fff (0x1000) MX[B]
        [10] -1 0       0xec001000 - 0xec000fff (0x0) MX[B]O
        [11] -1 0       0xd8000000 - 0xd7ffffff (0x0) MX[B]O
        [12] -1 0       0xe9000000 - 0xe900ffff (0x10000) MX[B](B)
        [13] -1 0       0xe0000000 - 0xe7ffffff (0x8000000) MX[B](B)
        [14] 0  0       0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[B](OprU)
        [15] 0  0       0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[B](OprU)
        [16] 0  0       0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[B](OprU)
        [17] 0  0       0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [18] -1 0       0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[B]
        [19] -1 0       0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [20] -1 0       0x0000ec00 - 0x0000ecff (0x100) IX[B]
        [21] -1 0       0x0000e800 - 0x0000e83f (0x40) IX[B]
        [22] -1 0       0x0000e400 - 0x0000e4ff (0x100) IX[B]
        [23] -1 0       0x0000f000 - 0x0000f00f (0x10) IX[B]
        [24] -1 0       0x0000e000 - 0x0000dfff (0x0) IX[B]O
        [25] -1 0       0x0000d000 - 0x0000d0ff (0x100) IX[B](B)
        [26] 0  0       0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[B](OprU)
        [27] 0  0       0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[B](OprU)
(==) RADEON(0): Write-combining range (0xe0000000,0x2000000)
(WW) RADEON(0): Cannot read colourmap from VGA.  Will restore with default
drmOpenDevice: minor is 0
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 7, (OK)
drmOpenDevice: minor is 0
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 7, (OK)
drmOpenDevice: minor is 0
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 7, (OK)
drmGetBusid returned ''
(II) RADEON(0): [drm] created "radeon" driver at busid "PCI:1:5:0"
(II) RADEON(0): [drm] added 8192 byte SAREA at 0xd2c23000
(II) RADEON(0): [drm] mapped SAREA 0xd2c23000 to 0x40027000
(II) RADEON(0): [drm] framebuffer handle = 0xe0000000
(II) RADEON(0): [drm] added 1 reserved context for kernel
(II) RADEON(0): [agp] Mode 0x0f000201 [AGP 0x1022/0x7006; Card 0x1002/0x5159]
(II) RADEON(0): [agp] 8192 kB allocated with handle 0xd4c27000
(II) RADEON(0): [agp] ring handle = 0xd8000000
(II) RADEON(0): [agp] Ring mapped at 0x42268000
(II) RADEON(0): [agp] ring read ptr handle = 0xd8101000
(II) RADEON(0): [agp] Ring read ptr mapped at 0x40029000
(II) RADEON(0): [agp] vertex/indirect buffers handle = 0xd8102000
(II) RADEON(0): [agp] Vertex/indirect buffers mapped at 0x42369000
(II) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP texture map handle = 0xd8302000
(II) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP Texture map mapped at 0x42569000
(II) RADEON(0): [drm] register handle = 0xe9000000
(II) RADEON(0): [dri] Visual configs initialized
(II) RADEON(0): CP in BM mode
(II) RADEON(0): Using 8 MB AGP aperture
(II) RADEON(0): Using 1 MB for the ring buffer
(II) RADEON(0): Using 2 MB for vertex/indirect buffers
(II) RADEON(0): Using 5 MB for AGP textures
(II) RADEON(0): Memory manager initialized to (0,0) (1024,3071)
(II) RADEON(0): Reserved area from (0,768) to (1024,770)
(II) RADEON(0): Largest offscreen area available: 1024 x 2301
(II) RADEON(0): Reserved back buffer at offset 0x600000
(II) RADEON(0): Reserved depth buffer at offset 0x780000
(II) RADEON(0): Reserved 23552 kb for textures at offset 0x900000
(==) RADEON(0): Backing store disabled
(==) RADEON(0): Silken mouse enabled
(II) RADEON(0): Using XFree86 Acceleration Architecture (XAA)
        Screen to screen bit blits
        Solid filled rectangles
        8x8 mono pattern filled rectangles
        Indirect CPU to Screen color expansion
        Solid Lines
        Dashed Lines
        Scanline Image Writes
        Offscreen Pixmaps
        Setting up tile and stipple cache:
                32 128x128 slots
                10 256x256 slots
                4 512x512 slots
(II) RADEON(0): Acceleration enabled
(II) RADEON(0): Using hardware cursor (scanline 1540)
(II) RADEON(0): Largest offscreen area available: 1024 x 2299
(**) Option "dpms"
(**) RADEON(0): DPMS enabled
(WW) RADEON(0): Option "CalcAlgorithm" is not used
(II) RADEON(0): X context handle = 0x00000001
(II) RADEON(0): [drm] installed DRM signal handler
(II) RADEON(0): [DRI] installation complete
(II) RADEON(0): [drm] Added 32 65536 byte vertex/indirect buffers
(II) RADEON(0): [drm] Mapped 32 vertex/indirect buffers
(II) RADEON(0): Direct rendering enabled
(II) Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
(II) Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
(II) Initializing built-in extension XTEST
(II) Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
(II) Initializing built-in extension LBX
(II) Initializing built-in extension XC-APPGROUP
(II) Initializing built-in extension SECURITY
(II) Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
(II) Initializing built-in extension XFree86-Bigfont
(II) Initializing built-in extension RENDER
(II) Initializing built-in extension RANDR
(II) Keyboard "Keyboard[0]" handled by legacy driver
(**) Option "Protocol" "imps/2"
(**) Mouse[1]: Protocol: "imps/2"
(**) Option "CorePointer"
(**) Mouse[1]: Core Pointer
(**) Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"
(**) Mouse[1]: Emulate3Buttons, Emulate3Timeout: 50
(**) Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
(**) Mouse[1]: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5
(**) Mouse[1]: Buttons: 5
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Mouse[1]" (type: MOUSE)
Warning: font renderer for ".pfa" registered more than once
Warning: font renderer for ".pfb" registered more than once
(II) 3rd Button detected: disabling emulate3Button

----------------------- lspci   ---------------------------------

Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: PF
qlogicisp              42368   0  (unused)
nls_iso8859-1           2880   1  (autoclean)
nls_cp437               4384   1  (autoclean)
vfat                    9244   1  (autoclean)
fat                    29144   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
ipv6                  125984  -1  (autoclean)
audio                  36928   0  (unused)
pwcx-i386              87104   0
pwc                    40640   0  [pwcx-i386]
videodev                5408   1  [pwc]
snd-pcm-oss            45120   0  (autoclean)
snd-mixer-oss          11136   1  (autoclean)
radeon                 90296   1
agpgart                29376   3  (autoclean)
snd-ens1371            12036   1
snd-pcm                58368   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-ens1371]
snd-timer              11456   0  [snd-pcm]
snd-rawmidi            13536   0  [snd-ens1371]
snd-seq-device          4336   0  [snd-rawmidi]
snd-ac97-codec         24196   0  [snd-ens1371]
snd                    31752   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-ens1371 \
                                  snd-pcm snd-timer snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device\
soundcore               3268   8  [audio snd]
af_packet              11688   3  (autoclean)
isa-pnp                27708   0  (unused)
joydev                  5728   0  (unused)
evdev                   3904   0  (unused)
input                   3072   0  [joydev evdev]
st                     25940   0  (autoclean) (unused)
sg                     23812   0  (autoclean)
usb-ohci               17632   0  (unused)
usbcore                54368   1  [audio pwc usb-ohci]
tulip                  37920   1
ipchains               30856  14
lvm-mod                58112   0  (autoclean)
ide-scsi                7712   0
reiserfs              163072   5

--------------------- glxinfo -------------------------------------

name of display: :0.0
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: No
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.2
server glx extensions:
    GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context
client glx vendor string: SGI
client glx version string: 1.2
client glx extensions:
    GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context
GLX extensions:
    GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context
OpenGL vendor string: VA Linux Systems, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
OpenGL version string: 1.2 Mesa 3.4.2
OpenGL extensions:
    GL_ARB_multitexture, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_EXT_blend_color,
    GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_EXT_blend_subtract
glu version: 1.3
glu extensions:
    GLU_EXT_nurbs_tessellator, GLU_EXT_object_space_tess

   visual  x  bf lv rg d st colorbuffer ax dp st accumbuffer  ms  cav
 id dep cl sp sz l  ci b ro  r  g  b  a bf th cl  r  g  b  a ns b eat
0x23 16 tc  0 16  0 r  y  .  5  6  5  0  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x24 16 tc  0 16  0 r  y  .  5  6  5  0  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x25 16 tc  0 16  0 r  y  .  5  6  5  0  0 16  0 16 16 16  0  0 0 Slow
0x26 16 tc  0 16  0 r  y  .  5  6  5  0  0 16  8 16 16 16  0  0 0 Slow
0x27 16 dc  0 16  0 r  y  .  5  6  5  0  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x28 16 dc  0 16  0 r  y  .  5  6  5  0  0 16  8  0  0  0  0  0 0 None
0x29 16 dc  0 16  0 r  y  .  5  6  5  0  0 16  0 16 16 16  0  0 0 Slow
0x2a 16 dc  0 16  0 r  y  .  5  6  5  0  0 16  8 16 16 16  0  0 0 Slow

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