
I've installed RedHat 8 on my machine and am running into a bit of a problem with the 
xserver.  I'm trying to run my monitor, a Viewsonic G810, at 1600x1200 but something 
(xserver ??) keeps insisting on using a refresh rate of 85.2 Hz, higher than that 
which my monitor supports at that resolution.  Here are some details:

>From Viewsonic's site, g810 characteristics:
  Horizontal refresh range: 30 - 97 kHz,  Vertical refresh range: 50 - 180 Hz

What I've tried:
First, I used the Redhat setup configuration.  When I restarted after install, I got 
the black screen of death.  Then I ran /etc/X11/bin/xf86config manually and set the 
ranges above, restarted the xserver, and again black screen of death.  Then I hand 
edited the config file, entered explicit values (as opposed to ranges) for Hor/Ver 
refresh rate of 94.848/76 (calculated from http://zaph.com/Modeline/), restarted the 
xserver, and black screen .... you get the idea.

I know that the monitor will do 1600x1200 @ 76Hz, but for the life of me, I cannot 
find where (actually how) to explicitly set vertical refresh.  I believe the rate 
based on the numbers entered in the file at /etc/X11/XF86config for horizontal and 
vertical ranges based on which mode you select.  Unfortunately, it always tries to set 
85.2 Hz which the monitor won't support.  For some reason, it seems that the xserver 
is ignoring the values that I am using in the XF86config file.

Oddly, I've changed the settings in the XF86config file to the explicit values of 
94.848 kHz and 76 Hz, restarted the xserver, and it doesn't affect the rate that 
xserver attempts to set.  Can anyone here help me with this?


(As a side note, the above url says to put this  in the XF86Config file.  I didn't do 
it because I'm not sure where to put it -- in the monitors section, the screen 
section, some other section ...)
        Monitor Parameters, copy and paste into your "XF86Config" file  
        # 1600x1200 @ 76Hz,  94.85 kHz hsync
            Mode "1600x1200"
            DotClock    213.22
            HTimings  1600 1656 1872 2248
            VTimings  1200 1204 1208 1248

Lance Birtcil 
Software Engineer -- Ad Production 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (415) 344 - 2185 
CNET Networks
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