I've been having problems getting a monitor to work
in Xwindows on my new linux installation.

Other monitors (NEC Viewsonic) work with XF86
on the machine.

The monitor (V50) works on other (MS-Windows)

The monitor won't sync, gives up & blanks. Sometimes
a picture flashes up briefly. It works OK in the linux
text console, and also in basic VGA with win-3.1

I've selected and tweaked modelines to get scan rates
& sync widths identical to those that work with the monitor
when driven from other sources, and those given as
"memory" settings in the monitor handbook.

I've concluded that the card when driven from XF86
is producing composite-sync on h-sync which is causing
the problem. As win-3.1 can produce proper syncs,
it's not hardwired, it's the way XF86 has configured the

This is not what I would expect as a default, is this a bug?
Default modelines do not produce VESA VGA compliant
output as a result, and some very common monitors
won't sync. This is a serious bug.

Is there a config option I can use to change this? Or is
fixable by a patch? I'm still RTFM for composite
syncs and not finding anything.

Card: ATI Mach64 GX
Monitor: Compaq V50
XFree86 version 4.2.0
Slackware 8.1 on x86


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