On Fri, 25 Oct 2002, Frederik wrote:

> Greetings everyone,
> I have installed a fresh Slackware with Xfree 4.1.0.
> When starting X, the computer just hangs, only a hard reset
> revives it.I can reach the desktop, but nothing more.I have tried 
> installing 4.2.0, but have recieved the same result.I googled and 
> searched the list archives, but have not found a similar issue.
> I do not have an unusual setup, and it has worked before with the very 
> same distro and the same installation config, so I am suspecting a 
> config problem.If anyone can think of a config file/BIOS 
> setting/whatever that I might be missing, I would deeply appreciate 
> it.Even the tiniest tidbit of indormation is welcome, as I cannot think 
> of anything anymore.

Search through the logs (they're distro dependent), possibly 
/var/log/XFree86.0.log looking for lines that begin with a (WW).  There'll 
be an explicit statement of what the problem is there.  See if it makes 
any sense.  If it doesn't post the log and then maybe someone will be able 
to help you.

Oisin Feeley

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