On Thu, 28 Nov 2002, Jeffrey Ross wrote:

>Not sure if its a problem with XF (downloaded the xc release via CVS about a
>week ago).
>Trying to run Adobe Acrobat and I receive the following error:
>[jeff@linux2 bin]$ ./acroread
>Warning: charset "UTF-8" not supported, using "ISO8859-1".
>started with: RH8.0
>kernel 2.4.20-rc4 (needed for IDE DMA)

Hi Geoffrey,
read Red Hat's release notes.  You'll save yourself a lot of time:  

Red Hat Linux now installs using UTF-8 (Unicode) locales by default in 
languages other than Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.

This has been known to cause various issues:

Certain third party applications, such as the Adobe(R)Acrobat Reader(R)  
may not function correctly (or crash upon startup) because they lack
support for Unicode locales. Until third party developers provide such
support in their products, you may work around this issue by setting the
LANG environment variable at the shell prompt to C prior to typing the
application name. For example:

env LANG=C acroread

Oisin Feeley

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