        You cannot unsubscribe to a mailing list by posting to that list.
When you subscribed orriginally, you were sent a confirmation allong with 
instructions how to change or cancell your subscription.
        I see from your email headers that you are running a Window$ machine OOOH 
and AOL too (and you say Red Hat is gay......
        At any rate, just in case you deleted those instructions, mailing lists as a 
rule, send a monthly reminder with your password and a link to follow if you 
want to unsubscribe.
If you gaily deleted THAT too you can send an email to: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  and only put unsubscribe in the subject (don't 
adlib here) and leave the message blank.
Or you could visit this link IF you re4member the password you gave when you 
subscribed: http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/newbie
        Now all of this may be irrelevant because you seem to be flaming Red Hat.
If it is in fact A Red Hat mailing list that you want to unsubscribe from, 
Warmest Regards, Ernie
100% Microsoft and Intel free
Newbie mailing list
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