Yes OS X.2 on an ibook. I would like to open to a
rootless screen instead of a full screen. In the setup
it asked me if I wanted full screen or rootless
thinking bigger is better I chose Full screen. Now I
find my self wanting direct acess to my OS X desktop
in order to save time switching between the two
systems. Is switching even possible? I tryed
uninstalling Xfree (so I could reinstall) but the
computer would not let me. Sorry to Blab on and on.  
George Dunckley
--- "Torrey T. Lyons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 2:44 PM -0800 12/11/02, george dunckley wrote:
> >I need help with my screen size.
> You'll have to be a bit more specific. Many people
> are running 
> XFree86 on Macs. Are your running XFree86 on Mac OS
> X or some other 
> OS? What problems are you having with your screen
> size?
> --Torrey
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