
I have to work offline a lot. Before I save the osm file I always pan around the area at the greatest zoom level. When I re-open the file offline, I rarely get enough high detail images to work effectively. Is there a way to cache the images. I've read several josm wiki pages that all seem to be out of date regarding this process. I usually use Bing or Mapbox.

The following does not seem to be available to me in the latest JOSM
How do I use WMS images offline in JOSM_ - OSM Help
To reuse the tiles over JOSM sessions without having the reload them from the server, right click on the WMS layer and set a bookmark. During the next session, select the new WMS created by the bookmark in the WMS memu. Additionally, you may want to modify the following values in the preferences : cache.wmsplugin.expire ­1 : this is a time in second until the tiles are invalidated. ­1 means "never flush". cache.wmsplugin.maxsize 999999999 : maximal size of the cache (probably in MB) Even though you have to download an area "manually", you can work offline using this technique. "

I just tried that Bing imagery is automatically cached in my JOSM and previously loaded tiles are displayed upon restart without network connection. There is no need for setting any bookmarks. This definitively outdated paragraph which you quote refers to the old WMS plugin which was needed before access to WMS servers was integrated into JOSM.

You might want to look at the preference for the tile cache path: from the preference menu select the advanced preferences (the lowest icon in the bar) and search for imagery.tms.tilecache. The default value of this property is only visible after Bing imagery has been loaded. Make sure that this does not point to a directory which is cleared during shutdown. Imagery tiles appear in my cache under .josm/cache/tms/{Bing,Mapbox}/...

To my knowledge there is no configurable timeout for this cache to expire.

Hope this helps

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