On Sat, 2015-04-11 at 08:12 -0400, john whelan wrote:
> The local city has recommended cycle paths one of which crosses a
> canal via the tops of the lock gates.
> So steps up to the top of the lock gate, and a max width of .5 meters
> and the path varies according to which pair of the three pairs of lock
> gates happen to be closed.  The maximum width is important as it means
> tricycles are unable to use this route.
> Any suggestions on how it should be mapped? 
That is madness, ask for a copy of the risk assessment.

I have never come across a cyclepath doing this, but do know of a public
footpath that crosses a lock gate. There is a second side barrier on
that gate for safety reasons, but it a bit scary getting a dog over.

I would map the section over the gates as a footway with
bicycle=dismount. That way routers will be deterred from using it and
find a more suitable route.

Phil (trigpoint)

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