Thanks for the replies, Dan S and David Edge, and John Werner.  I was almost 
ready to Send a reply to Dan's response and David's first response, when I 
checked the inbox and found David's 2nd and John's.
I forgot to comment on Convenience_Store in my post, but don't think that it 
applies because it has a generally understood meaning here that is really 
smaller than the store of which I'm thinking.  I was leaning towards David's 
solution, which finds the OSM definition of grocery too limited, but now I'll 
go with John's.
Actually in the urbanized area in which I live, there is so much overlap now 
that it's getting hard to differentiate.  Almost all filling stations (gas or 
petrol) are self-serve, and as they are being updated, convenience stores are 
being added.  And the pharmacies are putting in coolers and carrying dairy 
products and groceries, but not fresh produce.  The small grocery stores that I 
speak of are fast disappearing, except for specialty ethnic ones, but they are 
still common in more rural areas without the population to support a 
A special thanks, John, for the TagInfo link.  That looks as though it will 
come in very useful in future.
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