SPLIT: 18 Nov 00 12:31:17 @4207/1      0     01/02 +++++++++++
_____._.___    .______  .___ .___
\__ _:||   |   : __   \ : __|: __| network address: 111:4207/1
  |  :||   |   |  \____|| : || : | telnet://tlr2bbs.darktech.org   [main]
  |   ||   |/\ |   :  \ |   ||   | telnet://tlr2bbs.thebbs.org     [backup]
  |   ||   /  \|   |___\|   ||   | http://tlr2bbs.homepage.com     [main]
  |___||______/|___|    |___||___| http://www.geocities.com/qfront [backup]
this file report generated on friday 11-17-00
³fileecho: BACKBONE              desc: fidonet area lists and info           ³
 ROUTELST.322    19,456 Current ERN Routing Chart for Zone 1

³fileecho: MI_LIST               desc: miragenet - nodelists                 ³
 MIRAGE.322      12,418 /\/\irageNet Nodelist þ Day 322

³fileecho: NODEDIFF              desc: fidonet nodediffs                     ³
 NODEDIFF.A22    19,107 Fidonet Nodelist Difference File a22

³fileecho: Pub upload dir : D:   desc: tlr2bbs file areas                    ³
 DUNMN20I.ZIP 1,104,183 DUN Manager 2.0i [12th November 2000] - DUN
                        Manager is a Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4 and 2000
                        application designed to simplify and enhance 
                        Dial-Up Networking.  Features includes single
                        click connection start-up and hang-up of a 
                        connection defined by time or day of week, 
                        monitoring in a call status window of up to 
                        eight connections, a flashing icon while 
                        online, automatic disconnection, reconnection
                        for dropped calls, timed reconnection to drop
                        and redial a call after a specified period, 
                        alternate numbers on busy, check alive with 
                        redialling, auto dial support from browsers 
                        and more. 
                        þTotal Files: 3        þFile_id.diz: 11.16.00
                        þNewest File: 11.16.00 þOldest File: 11.12.00
                        þTotal Size : 1115566  þComp Ratio : 2%
 FLOC129.ZIP     83,992 LOCATE v1.29 - Freeware file finder.  Find
                        directories, files, or both; 0-byte files; 
                        executables only; mask by date, time, and/or 
                        attributes.  Will search into hidden sub- 
                        directories.  Extended wildcards.  Options to
                        change directory, delete files, display Win95
                        long filenames.  Macro output for real 
                        flexibility.  Can be used as a batch tool as 
                        well as a command-line utility.  A86 source 
                        and exhaustive documentation.  Charles Dye 
                        þTotal Files: 5        þFile_id.diz: 10.08.00
                        þNewest File: 10.08.00 þOldest File: 10.08.00
                        þTotal Size : 296450   þComp Ratio : 73%
 HIDEICN2.ZIP     9,768 HideShowIcon Version 2 - This little program
                        is for hiding icons in the desktop and hiding
                        a window. It can hide icons with just 1 
                        click, or you can use command line. Freeware 
                        for Win9x/NT/ME/2000. 
                        þTotal Files: 3        þFile_id.diz: 11.16.00
                        þNewest File: 11.16.00 þOldest File: 11.14.00
                        þTotal Size : 11261    þComp Ratio : 29%
 ICNB32EC.ZIP   166,149 ICNBOARD - Board is an iconbar with
                        "drawers", for Windows 3.x / 9x helping to 
                        launch any application. Freeware. 
                        þTotal Files: 6        þFile_id.diz: 11.16.00
                        þNewest File: 11.16.00 þOldest File: 11.10.00
                        þTotal Size : 339731   þComp Ratio : 52%
 ISP280B.ZIP    939,120 iSpeed 2.80.136b [Win9x/NT/2000] - Fine-tune
                        your TCP/IP parameters to maximize throughput
                        for your dial-up internet connections with 
                        iSpeed. It has built-in optimal configuration
                        finders that will set your configurations to 
                        those that will provide the greatest 
                        throughput on a number of different systems 
                        at the click of a button. 
                        þTotal Files: 2        þFile_id.diz: 11.17.00
                        þNewest File: 11.17.00 þOldest File: 11.17.00
                        þTotal Size : 975547   þComp Ratio : 4%
 LOGIT202.ZIP    14,080 LOGIT! v2.02 by Michael McGavin is a handy
                        small utility for entering information in a 
                        Max/Squish/Bink-style log file from the 
                        command line. It's intended use is in batch 
                        files for BBS setups, although how you use it
                        is up to you. 
                        þTotal Files: 5        þFile_id.diz: 11.16.00
                        þNewest File: 11.16.00 þOldest File: 11.16.00
                        þTotal Size : 25202    þComp Ratio : 52%
 MIRC581T.ZIP 1,089,824 mIRC v5.81t is a configurable IRC client that
                        has an intuitive user interface, an events 
                        handler, and full send-and-receive 
                        capabilities for direct client connection 
                        files. It also has color text, aliases, 
                        remote commands, a backgrounds option, and 
                        sound. It automatically opens Web sites as 
                        they are mentioned in a conversation, ignores
                        DCC sends that match specified filenames or 
                        types, and locks the program to disable 
                        various features. For Win9x, NT, 2000. 
                        þTotal Files: 2        þFile_id.diz: 11.17.00
                        þNewest File: 11.17.00 þOldest File: 11.17.00
                        þTotal Size : 1133531  þComp Ratio : 5%
 SA31TR.ZIP     375,588 StayAlive 2000 3.1 Protect your system from
                        program crashes. Shareware WIN95/98/NT/2000 
                        þTotal Files: 2        þFile_id.diz: 11.15.00
                        þNewest File: 11.15.00 þOldest File: 11.15.00
                        þTotal Size : 375903   þComp Ratio : 1%
 TMAC41C.ZIP    352,842 TRANSMAC V4.1 - TransMac is a Windows 95/98/
                        NT/2000 utility that can read and write 
                        Macintosh high density diskettes, CDROMs, and
                        most other drives (SyQuest, Iomega, Zip, 
                        Jazz, Sparq, optical, etc.). Features include
                        copy files and folders, automatic file type 
                        mapping, long filenames, search disk by type,
                        creator, or extension, read multisession CDs,
                        create Mac CD volume files that can be 
                        written to CDR or CDRW using other CD writing
                        software packages. 
                        þTotal Files: 3        þFile_id.diz: 11.17.00
                        þNewest File: 11.17.00 þOldest File: 11.03.00
                        þTotal Size : 367728   þComp Ratio : 5%
 TRIDC04A.ZIP   327,404 TriDComm version 0.4a 3D file manager for
                        windows needs openGL, 3D accelerator card 
                        free for non-commercial use http://
                        www.geocities.com/tridcomm/ by Lajos Kelemen 
                        ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
                        þTotal Files: 3        þFile_id.diz: 11.15.00
                        þNewest File: 11.15.00 þOldest File: 11.14.00
                        þTotal Size : 685046   þComp Ratio : 53%
 UU163E.ZIP      97,397 Universal Unpacker (GUS-Clone) English
                        version 1.63.01 (c) 1995-2000 FREEware by 
                        Juergen Peters, Identifies 171 different 
                        types of Archives and Unpacks most of the 
                        more common types using external software. 
                        Virus scan possible during unpacking, move 
                        broken archives to baddir. Now with LFN 
                        support under Windows 9x! 
                        þTotal Files: 8        þFile_id.diz: 11.16.00
                        þNewest File: 11.16.00 þOldest File: 10.29.00
                        þTotal Size : 232105   þComp Ratio : 59%
 WEBVIEW.ZIP    114,191 Explorer addon for Windows ME. It adds Recent
                        Folders to the Start Menu (like Documents on 
                        Start, but for folders). Previews zips, cabs,
                        folders, text and unknown files in addition 
                        to the standard graphic, html and office that
                        ME already supplies. Allows selecting and 
                        unselecting files by wildcard. Provides 
                        additional properties for selected files. 
                        Comes with install/uninstall and full help 
                        and configuration. Public Domain 
                        þTotal Files: 14       þFile_id.diz: 11.16.00
                        þNewest File: 11.16.00 þOldest File: 10.18.00
                        þTotal Size : 776765   þComp Ratio : 86%

³fileecho: STN_LIST              desc: stn - nodelists                       ³
 STNLIST.Z22     19,149 SysOp's TechNet Nodelist for Day 322.

³total bytes: 4,744,668          total file(s): 16                           ³
³þ over 8.5 gigs of files (games/bbs/win9x/artpacks/utils/anime/internet)    ³
³þ over 14000 files in 230+ file areas with tons of bbs and game software    ³
³þ over 6500 game cheats/cracks/hints/faqs/editors for pc/sega/n64/gb        ³
³þ email freqs available. send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], put FREQ in the    ³
³  subject line, and FREQ filename in message body [1 per line]. replace     ³
³  filename with magicname to receive specific file below:                   ³
³                                                                            ³
³                   ALLFILES  [allfile listing - 1.8MB ZIP]                  ³

 * Origin: the low road ][ bbs - [telnet://tlr2bbs.darktech.org] (111:4207/1)

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