_____._.___    .______  .___ .___
\__ _:||   |   : __   \ : __|: __| network address: 111:4207/1
  |  :||   |   |  \____|| : || : | telnet://tlr2bbs.darktech.org   [main]
  |   ||   |/\ |   :  \ |   ||   | telnet://tlr2bbs.thebbs.org     [backup]
  |   ||   /  \|   |___\|   ||   | http://tlr2bbs.homepage.com     [main]
  |___||______/|___|    |___||___| http://www.geocities.com/qfront [backup]
this file report generated on saturday 11-18-00
³fileecho: NODELIST              desc: racenet - nodelists                   ³
 RACENET.Z22      7,790 RaceNet(tm) Nodelist

³fileecho: RELAYNET              desc: RelayNet(tm) Nodelists                ³
 RIME.Z22         5,626 RelayNet(tm) Nodelist

³total bytes: 13,416             total file(s): 2                            ³
³þ over 8.5 gigs of files (games/bbs/win9x/artpacks/utils/anime/internet)    ³
³þ over 14000 files in 230+ file areas with tons of bbs and game software    ³
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³þ email freqs available. send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], put FREQ in the    ³
³  subject line, and FREQ filename in message body [1 per line]. replace     ³
³  filename with magicname to receive specific file below:                   ³
³                                                                            ³
³                   ALLFILES  [allfile listing - 1.8MB ZIP]                  ³
³                   ARTFILES  [artfile listing - 100K ZIP]                   ³
³                   BBSFILES  [bbsfile listing - 1.1MB ZIP]                  ³
³                   DOORFILES [bbs door listing - 200K ZIP]                  ³
³                   PCBFILES  [pcboard file list - 400K ZIP]                 ³
this file echo report created by allfix 5.13 build 4 [www.allfix.com for info]

I don't wanna be a Klingon, I wanna be a DENTIST - Alex.

 * Origin: the low road ][ bbs - [telnet://tlr2bbs.darktech.org] (111:4207/1)

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