MSGID: 111:4150/103 2947081d
 Today, Saturday 07-10-00, The Red Eye BBS (111:4150/103) received the
 following files.

 Area : DDSDOORS        Comment : DDS: BBS Doors and Games
 260TO110.ZIP     8,001 Automatically convert EXITINFO.BBS from RemoteAccess
                        v2.6x to v1.1x and back again, great for those doors
                        that are no longer supported. FreeWare from Dark
                        Thunder Software.
 CCIGM-04.ZIP    36,048 LORD - Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter #4
                        - Text Version Volume 1, Issue 4  - By Donald
                        Tidmore -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 CCIGM-4H.ZIP    31,978 LORD - Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter #4
                        (HTML) Volume 1, Issue 4, HTML Version. - By Donald
                        Tidmore -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GRA1_7.ZIP     110,445 LORD The Warrior's Graveyard v1.7 LORD IGM  A new IGM
                        for LORD. Explore this graveyard. Meet the Grave
                        digger or the Old Hag. Try to find the Ghosts who
                        haunt this place! Easy Configuration and Set-up.
                        FREEWARE !!! Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
 PVALLEY.ZIP    154,581 LORD The Pleasant Valley IGM written by Marc "MMfan"
                        Ryan. A very simple IGM for LORD v3.50+. It was 
                        designed with Do-it-yourself IGM 4.00 and it should
                        be fully functional. This IGM is shareware.
                        Registration cost $5.00 US Funds.
 341,053     bytes in 5   file(s)

 Total of 341,053 in 5 file(s)

 File requests are welcome 22 hrs per day, from 06:00-04:00 EST.

 FREQ FILES for an allfiles listing.

 Thanks, Kevin (Using ALLFIX v6.00 build 18, "Simply the Best")

... They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist...

 * Origin: Could I borrow a diskette?  (111:4150/103)

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