PID: ALLFIX+ 4.41.3 DB8D83CA
MSGID: 111:4700/0@stn 2a51040d
           Scooby's Doo BBS, McMurray, PA  telnet://

Fido - 1:129/328         IntraTec - 191:302/0            STN - 111:4700/0

All Files are available via anon FTP or

 Today, Saturday 02-17-01, Scooby's Doo BBS received the
 following files.

 Area : BBS Software/U  Comment : 
 FMAIL160.ZIP   503,266 FMail 1.60 Standard version
                        FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                        and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                        message base maintenance utility with a lot
                        of special features.
 FMLW_160.ZIP   385,196 FMail 1.60 Windows 32-bit version
                        FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                        and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                        message base maintenance utility with a lot
                        of special features. The Windows version can
                        handle more areas than the standard version
                        and is optimized for use with 32-bit versions
                        of MS Windows like Windows 95 and Windows NT.
 888,462     bytes in 2   file(s)

 Total of 888,462 in 2 file(s)

 FREQ: FILES for an allfiles list.
 FREQ: INTRATEC for information on joining InTraTec.

 ... A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered desk drawer.

--- FMail/Win32 1.60
 * Origin: -=- telnet:// -=- (111:4700/0)

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