_____._.___    .______  .___ .___
\__ _:||   |   : __   \ : __|: __| network address: 111:4207/1
  |  :||   |   |  \____|| : || : | telnet://tlr2bbs.darktech.org
  |   ||   |/\ |   :  \ |   ||   | ftp://tlr2bbs.darktech.org
  |   ||   /  \|   |___\|   ||   | http://members.nbci.com/tlr2bbs
  |___||______/|___|    |___||___| http://www.geocities.com/qfront
this file report generated on wednesday 03-07-01
³fileecho: Pub upload dir : D:   desc: tlr2bbs file areas                    ³
 ACL31.ZIP      500,331 Advanced Cleaner Lite 3.1 - Clean your hard
                        drive of unwanted files. Easy to use and very
                        effective. Shareware [WIN9X/NT/2000] 
                        þTotal Files: 2        þFile_id.diz: 03.07.01
                        þNewest File: 03.07.01 þOldest File: 03.07.01
                        þTotal Size : 501724   þComp Ratio : 1%
 ASR.ZIP        721,819 Aid System Restorer 2.3 for Windows 95/98/ME
                        New age system restoration tool. It gives you
                        ability to store your system state and 
                        restore it if you need it. You can use ASR 
                        instead of regular WINDOWS reinstallation. 
                        And you don't need to format your hard drive,
                        reinstall usual software. ASR especially 
                        effective in cases of fatal system crash. You
                        can use MS-DOS system restoration program for
                        restoring your system state even when your 
                        WINDOWS is dead! For faster system 
                        restoration in fatal crash cases you can 
                        create special boot disk using Aid Boot Disk 
                        Creator. User friendly interface will provide
                        you power you can't even imagine. Free 30 
                        days trial. 
                        þTotal Files: 6        þFile_id.diz: 03.05.01
                        þNewest File: 03.05.01 þOldest File: 03.04.01
                        þTotal Size : 727995   þComp Ratio : 2%
 GPW-0304.ZIP   715,295 GoldED+  2001/03/04   [Win32]
                        GoldED+ is a successor of the
                        wellknown GoldED mail editor.
                        WARNING!!!  This CVS snapshot
                        distributed only for TESTING.
                        @   IT IS UNSTABLE!!!   @
                        þTotal Files: 23       þFile_id.diz: 03.04.01
                        þNewest File: 03.04.01 þOldest File: 02.25.00
                        þTotal Size : 1690080  þComp Ratio : 58%
 LPS.ZIP        545,138 Local Port Scanner - Powerful local port
                        scanner that scans all the ports on your 
                        system for possible security violations. Uses
                        5 methods of scanning and includes all the 
                        common ports used by backdoors and trojans. 
                        FREEWARE [WIN9X/NT] 
                        þTotal Files: 2        þFile_id.diz: 03.07.01
                        þNewest File: 03.07.01 þOldest File: 03.07.01
                        þTotal Size : 572714   þComp Ratio : 6%
 MANNADT.ZIP    260,574 MannnADT2k v1.1.0 by Manning of Elysium
                        Software '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 
                        MannADT is a free plugin based auto-updater 
                        which can be used with a lot of DynDNS 
                        services which have been appearing on the 
                        intenet lately 
                        þTotal Files: 10       þFile_id.diz: 02.11.01
                        þNewest File: 02.11.01 þOldest File: 09.02.00
                        þTotal Size : 532533   þComp Ratio : 52%
 P070GPT7.ZIP   106,139 Portal of Power 0.70-GPT pre 7. You must have
                        0.63B9-GPT07 installed to use this 
                        prerelease. Contact: Marcus Roeckrath 
                        2:2449/523 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                        þTotal Files: 9        þFile_id.diz: 01.09.01
                        þNewest File: 01.12.01 þOldest File: 06.07.00
                        þTotal Size : 472384   þComp Ratio : 79%
 ZAPRO10P.ZIP 2,175,766 ZoneAlarm Pro security upgrade patch.
                        Upgrades ZoneAlarm Pro to version 1.0.122. 
                        Fixes a couple security issues with the 
                        Mailsafe feature, strengthens the firewall, 
                        and inproves program reliability. This patch 
                        will only work on the Professional release 
                        [not the freeware release] and will only work
                        on versions 1.0.64, 1.0.111, 1.0.112, and 
                        þTotal Files: 2        þFile_id.diz: 03.06.01
                        þNewest File: 03.06.01 þOldest File: 03.06.01
                        þTotal Size : 2190528  þComp Ratio : 1%
³fileecho: UTILNET               desc: utilnet: dos utilities                ³
 CMP50.ZIP      159,946 CMP 5.0:Compare text/binary files
                        This program is a greatly enhanced
                        replacement for COMP or FC. It can
                        compare text or binary files, multiple
                        files, even subdirectory trees. You can
                        configure the comparison process and
                        output format with many options. The
                        program returns a configurable value in
                        ERRORLEVEL for batch programs.
                        Runs in plain DOS and DOS under Win
                        3.x/95/98/ME/NT/2000; the 32-bit program
                        uses long filenames. There is no special
                        installation procedure.
                        Shareware. The *complete* ZIP file may
                        be redistributed freely. Register at
 GREP52.ZIP     101,298 (v5.2) GREP: Find regular expressions in files
                        This filter is a greatly enhanced
                        replacement for DOS FIND and is similar
                        to UNIX grep. Finds all lines containing
                        (or NOT containing) one or more strings
                        or regular expressions in one or more
                        files, with optional search of
                        subdirectories. Can search ASCII or
                        binary files. Returns a configurable
                        value in errorlevel for batch programs.
                        Runs in plain DOS and DOS under Win
                        3.x/95/98/NT; the protected-mode version
                        uses long filenames. There is no special
                        installation procedure.
                        Shareware. The *complete* ZIP file may
                        be redistributed freely. Register at
³total bytes: 5,286,306          total file(s): 9                            ³
³þ over 8.5 gigs of files (games/bbs/win9x/artpacks/utils/anime/internet)    ³
³þ over 14000 files in 230+ file areas with tons of bbs and game software    ³
³þ over 8000 game cheats/cracks/hints/faqs/editors for pc/sega/n64/gb        ³
³þ email freqs available. send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], put FREQ in the    ³
³  subject line, and FREQ filename in message body [1 per line]. replace     ³
³  filename with magicname to receive specific file below:                   ³
³                                                                            ³
³                   ALLFILES  [allfile listing - 1.9MB ZIP]                  ³
³                   ARTFILES  [artfile listing - 100K ZIP]                   ³
³                   BBSFILES  [bbsfile listing - 1.1MB ZIP]                  ³
³                   DOORFILES [bbs door listing - 200K ZIP]                  ³
³                   PCBFILES  [pcboard file list - 400K ZIP]                 ³
this file echo report created by allfix 5.13 build 4 [www.allfix.com for info]

Destroy the Borg?  Upload Windows 3.1 !

 * Origin: the low road ][ bbs - [telnet://tlr2bbs.darktech.org] (111:4207/1)

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