MSGID: 111:4708/300@stn 36320513
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 AA989FFF
TID: FastEcho 1.46.1 9999
SPLIT: 12 Mar 01 12:30:26 @4708/300    0     02/02 +++++++++++
                        unique words you have found. Any words
                        that both you and your opponent have
                        located will not be counted in the
                        scoring. You can select the amount of
                        points you receive based on the length of
                        the words. Also points can be taken away
                        for words that are misspelled not in the
                        puzzle or too short. As you are playing
                        you can see how well your opponent is
                        doing. A summar
 G3CRS304.ZIP 3,228,855 CROSS A - VERSION 3.04
                        Win 95/98/NT - Shareware
                        The purpose of Cross A is to simplify the
                        solution of crosswords and other
                        word-based puzzles. Cross A provides very
                        flexible and powerful search tools. User
                        can search English words by known letters
                        and descriptions as well as find anagrams
                        and word-combinations. Program uses a
                        dictionary of 1 English words part of
                        them - with descriptions . User can add
                        new words delete and change descriptions
                        or copy them to the clipboard.
 G50BCG20.ZIP 2,199,779 ABC GENIUS - VERSION 2.0
                        Win 95/98/NT - Shareware
                        Save yourself from insanity with this
                        program that can help solve your favorite
                        word-search puzzles. It s a very
                        easy-to-use program. Suppose you are
                        solving a crossword or a crossword type
                        puzzle and you need to find a 6 letter
                        word. You know that the 1st letter is g
                        4th letter is i and the 5th letter is u .
                        Now type that pattern g iu press Enter
                        and in a second you ll get a list of all
                        words matching the pattern. The program
                        has a user-friendly customizable
                        interface and a comprehensive help
                        system. ABC Genius solves a wide range of
                        puzzles such as crosswords scrabbles
                        anagrams chain of words and many others.
                        A unique and extremely fast search engine
                        guarantees that you will find exactly you
                        looking for when you need it. Results can
                        be sorted alphabetically or by length in
                        ascending or descending order. You can
                        add change delete or copy entries to the
                        clipboard create you own dictionaries and
                        attach new ones.

 7,093,711 bytes in 3 file(s)

 --[PARTOSS]--------------[R50: Replacement for Squish Mail Processor]--------

 PARTOSS.RUL        679 Rules

 679 bytes in 1 file(s)

 Total of 32,725,165 in 16 file(s)

 * Origin: Nexus Support BBS - telnet:// (111:4708/300)

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