TID: IMAIL-386 1.88.59+ AK688
MSGID: 111:7353/1 ab5c9833
PID: ALLFIX+ 6.00.18 EBC35B53
                             THERE CAN ONLY BE 1

                          Online 24/7 on 095 43852

       Visit the TCOB1 BBS/Fidonet Portal at http://tcob1.uklinux.net

 Today, Monday 19-03-01, There Can Only Be 1 (111:7353/1) received the
 following files.

 Area : ALLFILES        Comment : TCOB1 Allfiles
 TCOB1.LST      228,388 TCOB1 Daily Allfiles List
                        FREQ: ALLFILES
 TCOB1NEW.LST    56,287 TCOB1 Daily New Files List
                        FREQ: NEWFILES
 284,675     bytes in 2   file(s)

 Area : G_EMUL          Comment : GamesNet: Emulators + AddOn's
 D42_0054.ZIP    92,593 SSF V0.05 ALPHA RELEASE 4 FOR MSDOS
 92,593      bytes in 1   file(s)

 Total of 377,268 in 3 file(s)

 File requests are welcome 23 hrs per day, from 04:00-03:00.

 For Email Freqs.
    Email Requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Subject: FREQ
    FREQ: filename

All R50 file echos available at http://www.tcob1.net
All files kept for a minimum of 45 days
File requests at TCOB1 are CASE SENSITIVE

 FREQ FILES for an allfiles listing.

 Thanks, Sean (Using ALLFIX v6.00 build 18, "Simply the Best")

 * Origin: TCOB1 http://www.tcob1.net (111:7353/1)

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