MSGID: 111:4708/300@stn 3b220811
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 AA989FFF
TID: FastEcho 1.46.1 9999
SPLIT: 22 Mar 01 08:30:27 @4708/300    0     01/02 +++++++++++
                N  E  X  U  S    S  U  P  P  O  R  T    B  B  S

                              t e l n e t  t o:
                       b b s . n e x u s b b s . n e t

     w w w . n e x u s b b s . n e t  *  f t p . n e x u s b b s . n e t

         -*- nexus bulletin board system development headquarters -*-

         fidonet - 1:220/10  micronet - 618:100/1  stn - 111:4708/300

date: Wednesday 03-21-2001

the following files are now available:

 --[MYSTIC]---------------[Filebone/Filegate Fileechos]-----------------------

 A2M_12.ZIP       7,211 ---------- ANS2MBBS Version 1.2 -------------
                        ANS2MBBS is a freeware program to convert
                        ANSI display files to the Mystic BBS format,
                        using Mystic BBS color codes. Highly
                        optimized routines ensure that the result is
                        the smallest, most optimized output possible.
 GO-FCHG2.ZIP     4,145 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                           :     :: :  \   « ¬/ : :::  :
                         _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                             :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                        _   :: /     ý/    /____________
                            : /      /    /         « ¬/
                             /      /    /    ý/      / :
                          _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                          :     : : :: /            / ::
                         _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _
                          mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07
                          allows the user to select their current
                          file base via their arrow keys, using
                        : a lightbar system.  mpe source included
 GO-FGRP1.ZIP     4,126 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                           :     :: :  \   « ¬/ : :::  :
                         _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                             :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                        _   :: /     ý/    /____________
                            : /      /    /         « ¬/
                             /      /    /    ý/      / :
                          _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                          :     : : :: /            / ::
                         _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _
                          mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07
                          allows the user to select their current
                          file group via their arrow keys, using
                        : a lightbar system.  mpe source included
 GO-JUMP1.ZIP     3,122 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                           :     :: :  \   « ¬/ : :::  :
                         _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                             :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                        _   :: /     ý/    /____________
                            : /      /    /         « ¬/
                             /      /    /    ý/      / :
                          _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                          :     : : :: /            / ::
                         _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _
                          mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07
                          a replacement for the standard message
                          reading prompt which allows jumping to
                          messages without pressing the "J" key.
                        : mpe source included
 GO-MCHG2.ZIP     4,142 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                           :     :: :  \   « ¬/ : :::  :
                         _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                             :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                        _   :: /     ý/    /____________
                            : /      /    /         « ¬/
                             /      /    /    ý/      / :
                          _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                          :     : : :: /            / ::
                         _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _
                          mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07
                          allows the user to select their current
                          message base via their arrow keys, using
                        : a lightbar system.  mpe source included
 GO-MCMD3.ZIP     2,844 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                           :     :: :  \   « ¬/ : :::  :
                         _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                             :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                        _   :: /     ý/    /____________
                            : /      /    /         « ¬/
                             /      /    /    ý/      / :
                          _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                          :     : : :: /            / ::
                         _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _
                          mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07
                          mimics the //\\ global sysop command
                          used by software such as telegard and
                        : renegade.  mpe source included
 GO-MGRP1.ZIP     4,126 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                           :     :: :  \   « ¬/ : :::  :
                         _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                             :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                        _   :: /     ý/    /____________
                            : /      /    /         « ¬/
                             /      /    /    ý/      / :
                          _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                          :     : : :: /            / ::
                         _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _
                          mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07
                          allows the user to select their current
                          message group via their arrow keys, using
                        : a lightbar system.  mpe source included
 GO-MNC4.ZIP      2,923 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                           :     :: :  \   « ¬/ : :::  :
                         _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                             :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                        _   :: /     ý/    /____________
                            : /      /    /         « ¬/
                             /      /    /    ý/      / :
                          _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                          :     : : :: /            / ::
                         _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _
                          mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07
                          allows users to leave a message to
                        : the next caller.  mpe source included
 GO-NMSG2.ZIP     3,598 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                           :     :: :  \   « ¬/ : :::  :
                         _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                             :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                        _   :: /     ý/    /____________
                            : /      /    /         « ¬/
                             /      /    /    ý/      / :
                          _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                          :     : : :: /            / ::
                         _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _
                          mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07
                          sends an e-mail message to the sysop when
                          a new user account is created.  also will
                          send a "welcome" email to the new user!
                        : mps source code included!
 GO-ONCE3.ZIP     2,304 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                           :     :: :  \   « ¬/ : :::  :
                         _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                             :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                        _   :: /     ý/    /____________
                            : /      /    /         « ¬/
                             /      /    /    ý/      / :
                          _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                          :     : : :: /            / ::
                         _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _
                          mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07
                          shows ONLYONCE.XXX to users during their
                          login, only if it has been updated since
                        : their last call.  mpe source included
 GO-PAWZ6.ZIP     6,098 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                           :     :: :  \   « ¬/ : :::  :
                         _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                             :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                        _   :: /     ý/    /____________
                            : /      /    /         « ¬/
                             /      /    /    ý/      / :
                          _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                          :     : : :: /            / ::
                         _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _
                          mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07
                          adds configurable animated pause prompts
                          to your bbs.  randomly selected!
                        : mpe source included
 JP-MRO1.ZIP      2,888 [[. mystic origin line randomizer ..]]
                        \\________      .   ______        ___/
                        : /     // .  ,   ___//___ .  /  / \jp
                        _/ ..   /    /   /   .. /    /  /   \_
                        \_____ `    /____      /____/_// ..  /
                        : ::/_____//:/  ______/____________//:
                        // demonic! /  /___________________  .
                        : :: :::::::\\_________________   /  .
                        demonic productions presents__/  /__ .
                                                    \    .// :
                        randomizes echomail origin   \  . / ::
                        lines... for mystic 1.07 or   \\ / :::
                        above. includes mps source.....\/ ::::
                        : :: ::::::::::::[[ by: jack phlash ]]
 MAREA_10.ZIP    46,555 AREA2MYS 1.0: Imports AREAS.BBS definition
                        files into Mystic, which can be used to
                        automatically add new echomail areas.  Comes
                        with DOS and Linux binaries.
 MPOST_12.ZIP    72,904 MBBSPOST v1.2: Allows text files to be posted
                        into a message base.  Comes with both DOS and
                        Linux binaries.
 MTYPE_13.ZIP    10,882 .-------------------------------------------.
                        | MTYPE                         Version 1.3 |
                        | A powerful replacement for the DOS "type" |
                        | command.  Features the ability to display |

 * Origin: Nexus Support BBS - telnet:// (111:4708/300)

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