MSGID: 111:4150/401 f613f40a
TZUTC: -0500
 File: (233kB), Area: G_LINUX, Origin: 2:245/5530
 Desc: GnomerMind 0.8.1 - GPLWare GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME based
       on both MasterMind and the game Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
       phones. If you ve played other GNOME board games this one will look
       familiar. The object is to place marbles on a board in the correct
       order. If you have never played this game the lack of instructions
       doesn t make this very clear however. Orig.:

 File: (393kB), Area: G_LINUX, Origin: 2:245/5530
 Desc: GnomerMind 0.8.1 - GPLWare GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME based
       on both MasterMind and the game Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
       phones. If you ve played other GNOME board games this one will look
       familiar. The object is to place marbles on a board in the correct
       order. If you have never played this game the lack of instructions
       doesn t make this very clear however. Orig.: gnomermind-0.8.1.tar.bz2

 File: (6kB), Area: BACKBONE, Origin: 1:1/20
 Desc: Authorized Apr 08, 2001 Issue of BACKSTAT.NA

--- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-2
 * Origin: (111:4150/401)

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