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                 xpressit - 782:130/200  micronet - 618:100/1

date: Friday 05-04-2001

the following files are now available:

 --[DDSDOORS]-------------[DDS: BBS Doors and Games]--------------------------

 CCIGM-06.ZIP    31,071 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter #6 - Text
                        Volume 2, Issue 2, Sixth overall issue.
                        Official release, HTML web-page and Text
                        versions, made on
                        April 16-17, 2001.
                        By Donald Tidmore -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        -- LORD News, Issue #6, primary web-page
                        -- LORD News, Issue #6, Text version files:
                        This is my sixth newsletter issue for LORD,
                        LORD II, and Tournament
                        LORD program authors and game players. 
                        Issues #1 through #5 were
                        released covering three months at a time. 
                        Starting with Issue #6,
                        the newsletter will cover four months per
                        issue.  For the most recent
                        update of this and other newsletter issues,
                        you should always refer to
                        the files on my Castle Camelot website.
                        This file is designed for release on Listbot
                        via my LordNews mailing
                        list.  Please refer to the primary HTML page
                        should you need to check
                        for issue update revisions, or to look up
                        web-site addresses.  The
                        address for the HTML issue is listed above.
 CCIGM-6H.ZIP    33,594 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter #6 (HTML)
                        Volume 2, Issue 2, Sixth overall issue. 
                        Primary Web-page version.
                        Released via web-site on April 16, 2001. 
                        Released via Listbot mailing
                        list, through Listbot Text version, on April
                        16-17, 2001.
                        This issue covers January 01 - April 15,
                        2001 LORD news and events.
                        Information from the rest of April will be
                        added to the issue in an
                        Addendum, around May 01, 2001.
                        By Donald Tidmore -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        This is the sixth newsletter issue for LORD,
                        LORD II, and Tournament
                        LORD program authors and game players. 
                        Issues #1 through #5 were
                        released covering three months at a time. 
                        Starting with Issue #6,
                        the newsletter will cover four months per
                        issue.  For the most recent
                        update of this and other newsletter issues,
                        you should always refer to
                        the files on my Castle Camelot website.
 CCIGM-6P.ZIP    49,835 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter #6 (HTML
                        Volume 2, Issue 2, Sixth overall issue. 
                        Primary Web-page version.
                        Official release date scheduled for April
                        16, 2001.
                        This archive does NOT contain the newsletter
                        itself.  See
                        and CCIGM-06.ZIP for the newsletter issues,
                        or use these links:
                        HTML Page:   
                        Text Version:
                        By Donald Tidmore -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        -- Castle Camelot LORD Links Page
                        This is my sixth newsletter issue for LORD,
                        LORD II, and Tournament
                        LORD program authors and game players. 
                        Issues #1 through #5 were
                        released covering three months at a time. 
                        Issue #6 covers January
                        through April 2001, for a four-month
                        coverage period.  Issue #7 is
                        planned for four months also, and will be
                        released sometime in August.
                        For the most recent update of this and other
                        newsletter issues, you
                        should always refer to the files on my
                        Castle Camelot website.
                        This particular file, for anyone who wants
                        it, has sethback.jpg,
                        lord-bar.gif, and drag-070.jpg inside. 
                        These are the only graphics
                        files used by the newsletter issue, except
                        for the web-page counter.
                        That is on the GeoCities server, so is not
                        included in the archive.
                        File_id.diz created 04/15/2001.
 TPDRL100.ZIP    27,617 TopDoor/LNX Door Usage Bulletin Maker
                        TopDoor/LNX is for use on Linux BBSes
                        that wish to generate a usage graph
                        of their doors.
                        Licsensed under the GPL
                        C Source Code is included
                        Copyright 2001, by Darryl Perry

 142,117 bytes in 4 file(s)

 Total of 142,117 in 4 file(s)

 * Origin: Nexus Support BBS - telnet:// (111:4708/300)

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