PID: ALLFIX+ 6.00.18 9B88FFF4
 Today, Tuesday 01-29-02, Le Maison De Metal (111:6950/1) received the
 following file(s):

    Area : DDSDOORS                           
 Comment : Doorware Dist. System Doors/Games
 DDSDOORS.ZIP     3,135 DDS FDN Policy and Information Statement including
                        Guidelines for Hatching Your File(s) into the
                        DDSDOORS File Echo.
 GTC100.ZIP       5,105 Garrison's Training Center  v1.0  for Legend of the
                        Red Dragon
                        Enter the Training Center to receive some
                        extra help in your quest to slay the
                        Red Dragon.  Train with Court early on, and
                        once you have become a more
                        advanced warrior, train with the Great
                        Garrison, himself.  Chances to improve
                        your strength, defense, and endurance every
                        Requires LORD 3.5 or higher and The Gateway
                        IGM 1.0 or higher.
 8,240       bytes in 2   file(s)

    Area : UTILNET                            
 Comment : UtilNet: DOS End User Utilities
 INSP110D.ZIP       481 This file has been removed from
                        distribution. Thank you!
 INSP110P.ZIP       481 This file has been removed from
                        distribution. Thank you!
 962         bytes in 2   file(s)

 Total of 9,202 in 4 file(s)

 File requests are welcome 24 hours per day, except Fido ZMH.

 FREQ: FILES for a listing of all currently available files.
       ALLFIX for the latest release of the ALLFIX file processor.
       SF for the latest shareware version of the Spitfire BBS program.
       OCCULT for a current listing of Pagan/Occult files
       93NODE for the latest Aquarian Era Occult Net (AEON) Nodelist
       93APP for the most recent AEON Information/Application Pack
       93RUL for the most recent AEON Echo Rules File

 All of the files listed in this announcement are requestable via 4
 different methods.  You can:
 1. Send an email via TransX (or compatible) to
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject of FREQ and
    "FREQ <filename>" as the first line of the message.  Or,
 2. Send a regular e-mail to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and ask me
    for a copy.  Or,
 3. Send a File Request via your favorite Front End.  Or,
 4. Log on to Le Maison De Metal BBS at (360) 493-0798, and download
    ANY of the files that are currently available.

 Thanks, Larry (Using ALLFIX v6.00 build 18, "Simply the Best")

WHOA, boy! WHOA! Dadgummit, Ah said WHOA! <WHAM!>

--- FMailX 1.60
 * Origin: Hey, Look What We Just Got! (111:6950/1)

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